Events for Business

Maximise Your Profits Through Optimisation

Wednesday 7th June 2023
4.00-6.00pm GMT

Join us in person at Lakeside Arts, University Park, University of Nottingham


Watch the live stream online - your choice!

About this event

In these challenging economic times, every penny we invest in our businesses must work harder than ever to deliver a return. At this free event, Dr Anshuman Chutani will be taking the guesswork out of decision making with his insights into how to harness the power of data to optimise your key decisions such as pricing and advertising investments. Through data analytics, we can develop accurate, predictive models to understand how customers will respond to pricing changes and advertising activities. Furthermore, using optimization tools we can work to formulate effective strategies with regard to pricing, advertising and inventory decisions. Join us to explore how a data-driven approach could transform your pricing and advertising strategy and make those precious pennies and pounds deliver even more of a return.


Anshuman Chutani - Assistant Professor at University of Nottingham


TimeAgenda item
4.00pm – 4.30pm Nibbles and networking for those joining in person
4.30pm – 4.35pm Welcome and the live stream begins for those joining online
4.35pm – 5.20pm Keynote presentations followed by Q&A
5.20pm – 5.30pm Elevator pitches and close
5.30pm – 6.00pm More networking for those that want to stay on

Book your place

Elevator pitches

After the main presentations, we will be offering a few short slots to those who want to make an elevator pitch to the audience. If you'd like to take a one minute slot to promote your business to the network, share your news, ask for feedback or recruit partners for a collaborative project, then contact the team. These slots are open to anyone, whether from a business, another organisation, or the university itself.

State Aid

This event is part-funded by the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020 and is part of Productivity Through Innovation. This event is classed as State Aid to participating businesses, the value of which is up to £100.00, but is delivered completely free of charge to participants.

European Regional Development Fund logo

Privacy and your data

We will add the data you provide on this form to our customer relationship management (CRM) system for the purposes of administrating this event, communicating with you about it and facilitating your company’s relationship with the University. We may also contact you about similar events in the future.

We are required by our funders (the European Regional Development Fund) to report which companies have attended our events as part of Productivity Through Innovation, so your data will also be used to comply with the reporting and monitoring requirements of our funders.

Read our privacy policy for more information on how your data is used and stored. If you have any questions about registering for this event, please email