Events for Business

Cyber Security – Why me, I'm an SME?

Tuesday 5 December 2023
4.00-6.00pm GMT

Join us in person at Lakeside Arts, University Park, University of Nottingham 



About this event

Businesses of all sizes are at constant and ongoing risk of cyber security incidents, with current evidence suggesting that small businesses are becoming less prepared in terms of following basic cyber hygiene practices. 

Join us at this free event to understand more about how cyber attacks are affecting the SME community and examine some of the key advice that is available to support you in understanding your cyber security needs. Professor Steven Furnell will explore the findings from the latest UK Cyber Security Breaches Survey and highlight key resources that are available to support SMEs.

He will also introduce a new research project that seeks to further explore SMEs’ current understanding and confidence around cyber security, and the experiences encountered when seeking related support.


Professor Steven Furnell - University of Nottingham

Steve is Professor of Cyber Security in the School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham. His research interests include security management and culture, usability of security and privacy, and technologies for user authentication and intrusion detection. He has authored over 360 papers in refereed international journals and conference proceedings, as well as various books, book chapters, and industry reports.

Steve is the UK representative to Technical Committee 11 (security and privacy) within the International Federation for Information Processing, and a board member of the Chartered Institute of Information Security. He is also a member of the Steering Group for the Cyber Security Body of Knowledge (CyBOK) and the Careers and Learning Working Group within the UK Cyber Security Council.


TimeAgenda item
4.00pm – 4.30pm Nibbles and networking for those joining in person
4.30pm – 4.35pm Welcome and the live stream begins for those joining online
4.35pm – 5.20pm Keynote presentations followed by Q&A
5.20pm – 5.30pm Elevator pitches and close 
5.35pm – 6.00pm More networking for those that want to stay on

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