School of Pharmacy - Tissue Engineering Group
a cross-section of the gastrointestinal tract

Gut Regeneration

Gastrointestinal developmental and functional studies suggest that the complex 3-D architecture and heterogeneous cell communication within the gastrointestinal tract is essential for development and function. This project aims to recreate these essential spatial guidance and growth factor cues to generate a functional intestinal epithelium, the first layer of the intestinal mucosa that lines the lumen.

Future research projects will build on this initial tissue model to generate the further layers of the gut. The ultimate goal of this interdisciplinary approach is to create implants for the replacement of diseased gut tissues. In addition, these engineered tissues will be used as in vivo-like in vitro models of infection, cancer and human gene expression control and for drug testing. This is the most recent area of research to be undertaken by the Nottingham Group and is led by Felicity Rose.