Centre for Advanced Studies

Working with Primary and Secondary Schools for Research and Impact

Monday 27th June 2016 (12:30-16:30)

In case of query please contact Dr Tony Kelly.

Registration URL
working with

Do you want to work with primary or secondary schools, either to conduct research or to gain impact? This session will offer practical advice on how to engage with schools for mutual benefit, including school perspectives and examples of good practice.

Confirmed speakers:

•       Matthew Parris (Head, Minster School)

•       Heidi Hollis (Head, Dunkirk Primary)

•       David Stewart OBE (Head, Oak Field Special School)

Intended Audience: Academic and research staff and post graduate researchers  who are planning to conduct research and/or impact activities in primary/secondary schools.


  • To highlight schools’ own priorities in engaging with research and on  issues and sensitivities involved in conducting research and impact activities in schools;
  • To provide information on how to develop activities with schools to maximise impact on children’s learning outcomes;
  • To provide practical advice on how to make contact with schools and set up research/impact relationships;
  • To provide some examples of best practice in working with schools.

Organised in association with The University of Nottingham Children and Childhood Network, with thanks to the Rights and Justice Research Priority Area for financial support.

Centre for Advanced Studies

Highfield House
University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

email: CAS-enquiries@nottingham.ac.uk