Department of American and Canadian Studies

Omara Dyer-Johnson, PhD Black Studies

Omara Dyer Johnson ACS PhD

"The opportunity to receive input from other postgraduate students in ‘Works in Progress’ sessions has been incredibly useful."

What is your thesis on? 

"My research focuses on Afrofuturism, an aesthetic influenced by science-fiction and fantasy. 

I am currently looking at the way Afrofuturists conceptualise black identity in comics and graphic novels."


Why did you choose to do a PhD?

"Whilst doing an MA in American Studies, I decided to apply for a place within the doctoral programme. I had thoroughly enjoyed the breadth of topics covered in the MA course and the research for my dissertation. 

Throughout the MA and currently, teaching staff and my supervisory team have been helpful, supportive, and enthusiastic."

How have you found the support network on offer? 

"The opportunity to receive input from other postgraduate students in ‘Works in Progress’ sessions has been incredibly useful, and it is also interesting to hear about other students’ research."

How are you funded?

"My research is funded by the Midlands4Cities Doctoral Training Partnership, which also offers a variety of placement opportunities related to the arts and humanities." 

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Study Black Studies

Department of American and Canadian Studies

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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