Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

Russian Proper Names: Windows to Russian Culture

Trent Building LG6
Monday 30th April 2018 (17:00-18:00)
Open Lecture.
Russian Names-page-001

Speaker: Dr Vladislav Alpatov Moscow City Pedagogical University

What are the origins and the cultural underpinning of the well-known names: Tchaikovskiy, Pushkin, Chekhov, Lenin and, of course, Putin? Prince Harry Charlsovich Windzorov and Katyusha Middleton – what are the conventions in Russian naming? “Kind” Dobrynya, “humble” Smirnoff and “revolutionary” Jaures – what is the world view behind names of different epochs?  These and other questions will be explored in a seminar by Dr Vladislav Alpatov, a linguist and name scholar from Nottingham’s partner institution, Moscow City Pedagogical University.

Department of Modern Languages and Cultures

University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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