School of Computer Science

2013/14 School of Computer Science Undergraduate Prizes


 Congratulations to all winners in this year's School of Computer Science undergraduate awards!


Prizes will be presented in the Computer Science Atrium as part of the graduation afternoon tea party on Tuesday 15 July 2014 from 15:00.


Nottingham/Malaysia Prizes


Elizabeth and J.D. Marsden Prize

The University asks members of academic staff to submit nominations for a small number of prizes which are awarded to final year undergraduates outstanding in academic performance, character, and conduct.  

Prize: £1,000

Awarded to: Xueying Liu


Springer Science and Business Media Prize


Awarded for the best student performance in final year of study.
Prize: $200 (US) worth of books
Awarded to: Li, Jiaqi


BSc Individual Project Prize


Awarded for the most outstanding overall Individual project.
Prize: £250
Awarded to: Arjun Sharma


MSci Project Prize


Awarded for the most outstanding overall Individual project.
Prize: £250 each
Awarded to: Karandeep Lidher
Matthew Sharp


BCS, The Chartered Institute for IT Prize


Awarded for promoting the wider impact of Computer Science
Prize: £150 and 12 month subscription to the BCS
Awarded to: Joe Nash


School Prize

Awarded to the student who has the highest final average mark. 
Prize: £100.
Awarded to: Li, Jiaqi




G52GRP Prizes 2013/14

The 7Digital and Esendex Prize for Software Quality


Esendex and 7digital are keen to promote principles and practices they know contribute to high-quality software, including SOLID principles, agile methods, and source-code control. To that end, this prize is awarded to the group that, in their opinion, have carried out their project in a way that best embodies such ideas. This award was judged by staff members from the two sponsoring companies, who assessed the quality of the submitted code and who visited the shortlisted projects on Group Project Open Day.

Prizes include: a copy of Robert C Martinʼs book ʽClean Codeʼ; a
Raspberry Pi model B computer; a pair of 7digital-approved AKG 451
head phones and an Esendex T-shirt

Awarded to: gr13-srb ‘Moonlander’ supervised by Steven Bagley

Group members: Houman Brinjcargorabi PianPian Hu, Luke Jackson, Lingwei Kong, Addam Martin, Wanyu Pei

The School Group Project Prize for Best Project

Awarded to the team that is judged to have produced the best project in terms of what was achieved overall, how robust and usable the delivered system is, and how well the project has been documented in the final group report. This prize is provided by Head of School, Professor Uwe Aickelin, and is judged by the Group Project Awards Committee (GPAC) headed by Professor David Brailsford. Starting with nominations from group project supervisors, GPAC assessed all aspects of the submitted documentation and drew up a shortlist. The final decision took into account visits to the shortlisted projects on Group Project Open Day. 

Prize: £50 per winning team member

Awarded to: gp13-gmh ‘Football Facsimile’ supervised by Graham Hutton

Group members: Yiqiao Ba, Colm Baston, Hal Chadwick, Samuel Darrell,
Li Li, Jamie Tanna


Schoolʼs Special Prize for Outstanding Performance in the Group Project


Prize: £50 per winning team member

Awarded to: gp13-pxb1 ʽCollaborative Learning with Minecraftʼ supervised by
Peter Blanchfield

Group members: Tosin Afolabai, Janos Bana, Eze Benson, Alastair Kerr,
Ian Knight Ying Wang

Posted on Wednesday 25th June 2014

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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