School of Computer Science

Dr Alan Chamberlain attends Dagstuhl Perspectives Workshop


From June 29th – July 2nd 2014 Dr Alan Chamberlain visited the Schloss Dagstuhl Leibniz-Zentrum für Informatik to attend a workshop titled: Exploring Interdisciplinary Grand Challenges in ICT Design to Support Proactive Health and Well-being.

Whilst there, attendees had the opportunity to explore the ways that human-computer interaction (HCI) can assist in supporting proactive health and wellbeing. Attendees had travelled from across the globe to attend the workshop, both from academia and industry. The outputs from the workshop will be a report and a manifesto. It is hoped that the relationships built whilst their will enable further global collaboration and world class research. 

Dr Alan Chamberlain said:

"This was an excellent opportunity to meet with world class experts in the field and to further discuss the role that IT can have in the way that people actively attend to their health and wellbeing. We’re currently seeing a huge amount of technologies that enable us to better understand our self in respect to this. The workshop created the perfect environment for a group of international academics and industry leaders, such as, Microsoft, Ebay, PARC and Siemens to think about this in a constructive way. It was really important for the University of Nottingham (Computer Science) to be at these meetings in order to have input into this burgeoning field of research."

For further information on this workshop, please follow the link below:

Posted on Friday 11th July 2014

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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