School of Computer Science

India HCI: A Growing Research Community


India HCI Conference

This year sees Dr Alan Chamberlain joining the Program Committee for India HCI 2014 (In Co-operation with the ACM/SIGCHI supported). Dr Alan Chamberlain said, “The School of Computer Science (University of Nottingham) sees it as important support up and coming conferences, as well as the larger yearly International conferences. It’s key to our subject area and the international research community to support events like India HCI in order to help the HCI (Human Computer Interaction) community grow and expand.”

After a series of successful national conference over the past 5 years, this year “India HCI 2014” will be held at IIT Delhi, from the 8th to 9th December 2014. The conference theme will be, 'Expanding Visions', it aims to capture the movement from the desktop, to mobile devices and forwards the Internet of Things. Many of these technological advances have had a profound impact and are pervasive in the lives of many people. The conference will take a multidisciplinary approach to Human Computer Interaction (HCI). India HCI 2014 aims to provide a platform for the exchange of thoughts and ideas between researchers in the field of HCI.

Dr Ed Cutrell, Head of Microsoft Research India, said, “India HCI is a very interesting venue that is giving voice to a nascent group of HCI. The context and problems in India are very different from those in Europe and N. America, and the solutions being developed are likewise different. India HCI is a great place for these up-and-coming scholars to engage with HCI research. Similarly, it's a great place for scholars from outside of India to engage with researchers with a different perspective and different problems. It’s been really great to have academics such as Dr Alan Chamberlain joining the Program Committee and the Department of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham having the foresight to support and enable this.”

Programme Committee list

Arriaga Rosa Interactive Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology

Bhattacharya Samit IIT Guwahati

Chamberlain Alan University of Nottingham

Choudhury Munmun

Choudhury Monojit Microsoft Research India

Cutrell Edward Microsoft Research India

Dalvi Girish IIT Bombay

Devanuj IIT Bombay

Gheerawo Rama RCA Helen Hamlyn Centre

Joshi Anirudha IIT Bombay

Kazakos Konstantinos

Khambete Pramod IIT Bombay

Kumar Jyoti IIT Delhi

Martin David Xerox Research Centre Europe

Medhi Thies Indrani Microsoft

Nemer David Indiana university

O'Neill Jacki Microsoft Research India

Pal Joyojeet University of Washington

Parthasarathy Balaji IIIT Bangalore

Randall David University of Siegen

Sambasivan Nithya

Sarcar Sayan IIT Kharagpur

Sorathia Keyur IIT Guwahati

Stest Secondtest

Sundar S. Shyam Penn State University, USA & Sungkyunkwan University, Korea

Vennelakanti Rama HP Labs India

Yammiyavar Pradeep IIT Guwahati


Posted on Wednesday 13th August 2014

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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