School of Computer Science

Success for Nottingham HackSoc and Plymouth TermiSoc at the PayPal BattleHack London

Congratulations! A team of four students, Joe Nash, Adam Gask and Tosin Afolabi, Computer Science students and Nottingham HackSoc members, and Simon Cotts, member of the Plymouth TermiSoc, attended and won the PayPal BattleHack London, on the 12th-13th of October.

The theme of the competition was to “Create an app that helps solve a local problem”, and the winning team created an application, CandlePath, that enables people to find their way home safely, using open data on street light locations in Nottingham, and GPS.

The four students were chosen by the judges to represent London and compete for the grand prize of $100,000 at the BattleHack’s World Finals in San Jose, Silicon Valley, in November.

Well done to the team for their efforts so far and good luck for the finals!

Read more about HackSoc

Posted on Wednesday 23rd October 2013

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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