School of Computer Science

Summer 2014 lab transformation

Picture of the refurbished B52 Lab

B52 Revamped

Over the last year, the School of Computer Science has continued its mission to provide better facilities for students.

Through feedback, our students repeatedly made the suggestions that we could offer more space to work in groups and more power points for them to enable them to use their own equipment. We ran with this suggestion and by the end of the Spring semester, we had already enlarged and completely renovated The Hub. All new furnishings were brought in, three new big screens and more floor-box power points added.

During the Summer, the work continued and the labs in C11 and B52 were both gutted and given a fresh new look, complete with 50" screens and desks with integrated power points. Also, a brand new lab was added right next door to B52; the new B53 lab offers extra space for our students to crack on with their studies.

The School of Computer Science now boasts more space than ever and encourages students to make use of the new labs, The Hub, The Atrium and the bookable Pods available on the upper two floors by the stairwells.

You can find more information and an image gallery here:

Posted on Tuesday 23rd September 2014

School of Computer Science

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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