Writing our History:Digging our Past
Connected Communities

Poor Law Unions Roadshow: report

The University of Nottingham, in conjunction with its AHRC Connected Communities project partner, Southwell Workhouse (The National Trust), hosted a meeting of groups from across the country that have worked on records of their Poor Law Unions and Workhouses. The meeting took place 17 June 2012. Representatives of groups from as far afield as Northumberland and Somerset, Wales and Norfolk, came together to share their experiences and suggest ideas for a collaborative project. There was also an exhibition of materials, provided each of the groups, on their own Poor Law records and the opportunity to, briefly, tour Southwell Workhouse. Although each of the groups work on their own, local records, it was agreed that they were all part of a national History of Poor Law provision, who should work together to share knowledge and experiences, not just of how the Poor Law was applied in their local areas, but also of their research skills and approaches. It is hoped that a collaborative project proposal will submitted to the All Our Stories funding programme.

Posted on Friday 6th July 2012