Nottingham ESRC Doctoral Training Programmes

Overseas Institution Visit Report: Ruslan Shichman


Nottingham DTC student Ruslan Shichman, reporting back after his ESRC-funded Overseas Institution Visit to the University of Zurich:

The aims of this short visit in April 2017 were networking and feedback from prominent scholars in the field of Experimental Economics. 

The main event of my short stay was a presentation: I had 45 minutes to present my first 2 chapters in front of audience that included one of the most prominent scholars in my field. The presentation went well, people showed interest, asked questions and I took away some interesting points to think about. My presentation was followed by another one by a local PhD student, whom I help to run experiments in Nottingham. After presentations were over I took part in some helpful further informal discussions around some of the aspects of my experimental designs.

Overall, despite being short I feel the main goals were achieved – a) I was able to get some really helpful feedback and b) I have made some helpful contacts. Moreover, I learned some interesting things about the subject pool in Zurich, which has different characteristics than the one I am currently using (main difference is in the cultural homogeneity of the former). 

Ruslan Shichman

Posted on Thursday 4th May 2017

Nottingham ESRC Doctoral Training Programmes

University Park

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 4708