James Wong: How to eat better

a30, Sutton Bonington Campus, Vet School Lecture Theatre
Wednesday 13th December 2017 (18:00-20:00)
Registration URL

James Wong 600x436

How To Eat Better strips away the fad diets, superfood fixations and Instagram hashtags to give you a straight-talking scientist's guide to making everyday foods far healthier (and tastier) simply by changing the way you select, store and cook them.

No diets, no obscure ingredients, just real food made better, based on the latest scientific evidence from around the world. With these three simple principles botanist and BBC broadcaster James Wong shows you how to make any food a ‘superfood', every time you cook.

Where is the talk taking place? In the large lecture theatre in the Vet School building at Sutton Bonington Campus (27 on map)

What are my transport/parking options for getting to and from the event?

  • By Hopper Bus: if you are travelling to Sutton Bonington campus from University Park campus, there is a free hopper bus leaving East Drive 17.10, which will get you to Sutton Bonington 17.46 (or an earlier one at 16.25, arriving 16:50 if preferred). There's a hopper bus back to UP at 20.15, arriving East Drive at 20.44.
  • By Car: There's visitor parking on the opposite side of College Road to Sutton Bonington campus (PD on map). The postcode for our campus is LE12 5RD.

Tickets are £11.05. All proceeds from ticket sales and all royalties from book sales at the event will go to UNICEF.