Race Equality Charter Mark - University of Nottingham Participation


The University of Nottingham is committed to addressing racial inequalities and creating an inclusive culture and environment where individuals are able to thrive, irrespective of their race or ethnicity. To help facilitate progress, The University of Nottingham is currently involved in a trial of a race equality charter mark which is being rolled out across the higher education sector.

We want to hear your views on working and/or studying at The University of Nottingham and whether you think there is anything we can do to advance race equality. To facilitate this, the Equality Challenge Unite (ECU) has prepared a survey to support participating institutions collate staff and student feedback in a consistent way. This survey will be followed by focus groups for staff and focus groups for students, where you can tell us in more depth about your experiences.

To take part in the survey, please visit http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/hr/equality-diversity/race-equality-charter-mark-survey.aspx

For more information on The University of Nottingham’s participation in the Race Equality Charter Mark, please email recm@nottingham.ac.uk.

Posted on Monday 3rd November 2014