Human Rights Law Centre

The United Nations Special Procedures System: An Expert Workshop

Thursday 6th (09:00) - Friday 7th November 2014 (17:00)

In November 2014,  Professor Aoife Nolan and Professor Thérèse Murphy, Joint Heads of the ESR Unit, along with Dr Rosa Freedman ran an Expert Workshop on the UN Special Procedures System.

Special Procedures are part of the work of the Human Rights Council;  they are independent human rights experts with either a thematic or country specific mandate to report and advise on human rights.

The Workshop considered the development and structure of the Special Procedures system and an array of topical issues. Sessions were held on:

  • Development and structure of the Special Procedures System
  • Operationalisation of the Special Procedures
  • Engagement with States, the 'Politicisation' of Mandates and the Impact of Ideological Tensions on the Special Procedures System

The event brought together current and former mandate holders, scholars and a variety of other professionals with experience in relation to Special Procedures work.

Proceedings from the Workshop will form the basis of a forthcoming book.

Further information, including the Workshop programme, is available here.


Human Rights Law Centre

School of Law
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 846 8506