Human Rights Law Centre

HRLC contribution to EU papers: Reactions to the Paris attacks of January 2015

Today the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) has published two papers examining the responses to the attacks at the Charlie Hebdo offices and the kosher supermarket that took place in Paris in January 2015.

The first of the two papers, Embedding fundamental rights in the security agenda, examines the fundamental rights issues associated with the attacks and the subsequent policy discussions on increasing the EU’s internal security.

The second paper, Reactions to the Paris attacks in the EU: fundamental rights considerations, uses data collected from the 28 member states, including HRLC as the UK FRANET Contractor, to analyse the reactions to the attacks across the EU. The paper has a particular focus on Jewish and Muslim community organisations, political leaders, civil society and the media.

Posted on Wednesday 11th February 2015

Human Rights Law Centre

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University of Nottingham
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