Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies

Call for Papers for BASAS Annual Conference 2017

The British Association of South Asian Studies (BASAS) will hold its annual conference from 1:30pm Wednesday 19 April, to 12:30pm Friday 21 April 2017, at the University of Nottingham and Nottingham Trent University. The conference is hosted by Nottingham University’s Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies (IAPS) and Nottingham Trent University’s Postcolonial Studies Centre. The keynote speaker is Urvashi Butalia, sponsored by IAPS.

We are now accepting panel and paper submissions for the 2017 conference. This year there is no specific theme for the conference - we invite proposals for both panels and independent papers from all humanities, arts, and social science disciplines, covering research on the breadth of South Asia and its diaspora. As always we welcome bold, innovative, and interdisciplinary approaches.

Please submit your panel and paper proposals to the conference organisers at by the dates shown below.

  • Panel proposals (150-200 word abstract). Panels will last for 90 minutes, and it is advisable that proposals allow sufficient time for the presentation of papers as well as discussion.
  • Independent papers (100-150 word abstract).

Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30 November 2016

Download the full call for papers here (pdf)

There will be a limited number of bursaries to the value of £50 available to students and unwaged participants. Those who wish to be considered for these bursaries should include a covering note in support of their request, detailing any additional institutional support for conference participation for which they may be eligible. This must be submitted by the deadline of 30 November 2016.

Registration will open in January 2017.

Registration deadline: 15 March 2017

Posted on Friday 23rd September 2016

Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies

School of Politics and International Relations
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 82 83087