Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies

IAPS funding for Freddie Stephenson

The Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies has granted funding to Freddie Stephenson to support his fieldwork in Hong Kong and Shanghai.

Freddie outlines his research:

My research seeks to explore how British imperialism in China reflected and fostered notions of health and space in the long nineteenth century, taking Hong Kong and Shanghai as case studies. More specifically, it comparatively charts the ideologies behind the multifarious systems of civic and medical administration, and how these ideas and programmes shaped quotidian life for British, as well as Chinese sojourners in the two cities. As many of the extant documents from the period are held in Chinese archives, it is necessary to delve into these collections to grasp the intricacies of British imperial governance in both sites. Being added to the spatial medical landscape emerging from documentary collections in British archives, the materials gained from this research trip will constitute the essential primary source evidence behind the chapters of my thesis.

Freddie Stephenson, History/IAPS PhD candidate
Department of History, The University of Nottingham

Posted on Friday 2nd December 2016

Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies

School of Politics and International Relations
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 82 83087