Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies

International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security

The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Future for Human Security (SUSTAIN) 2015 was held on 17-19 November 2015 in Bali, Indonesia with the topic: ‘Sustainable Development and Global Change’. It was attended by scholars from Asian Universities and the United States. This event is an annual international conference co-hosted by Kyoto University and Ritsumekan University in collaboration with several Indonesian universities.

The conference was divided into two sessions: plenary session and parallel sessions. The plenary session presented three keynote speakers, Professor Naoiki Ishihara  (Kyoto University, Japan), Professor Roos Akbar (Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia), and Professor Minoru Yoneda (Kyoto University, Japan). Meanwhile, the parallel sessions had several topics: ‘Energy and Social Research’, ‘Energy and Environmental Technology’, ‘Disaster Preparedness, Management and Recovery’, ‘Biotechnology’, ‘Human Security’, ‘Climate Change’, ‘Soil and Water Conservation’, and ‘Sustainable Urban Growth’.

I presented my paper entitled ‘The Impact of Decentralization Policy in the Mining Sector on Human Security of Local Communities in Indonesia’ in the parallel session on human security on Tuesday, 17 November 2015. Now, my paper is under review to be published in the Journal of Sustainable Future for Human Security (ISSN : Online 2187 – 4506; Print 1884 – 8850).

This conference was very useful for me because I got a lot of inputs to approach my research project, and also building network in particular with scholars who work on human security. I am grateful and also really appreciate the Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies (IAPS) at The University of Nottingham for the support funding for me to attend the conference. It gives me the chance to enlarge my knowledge and also transfer my ideas in the conference.

Suyani Indriastuti, PhD candidate
School of Politics and International Relations

Posted on Thursday 4th February 2016

Institute of Asia and Pacific Studies

School of Politics and International Relations
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 82 83087