Hounsfield Facility: 3D X-ray imaging

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Technical advance: Extracting multiple interacting root systems using X-ray CT

Technical advance: Extracting multiple interacting root systems using X-ray CT
Using X-ray CT, 3D geometries of soil structure and pore spaces can now be used as parameters in numerical simulations that calculate their hydraulic properties. The method has been successfully applied to investigate soils of different textures, structures and soils that have been influenced by plant roots under successive drying. The findings have been published in Water Resources Research and the Journal of Experimental Botany. This work is a funded BBRSC project in collaboration with the University of Southampton that is seeking to predict water uptake in wheat.

New PhD Opportunities

We're pleased to announce four new PhD opportunities. Find out more on our opportunities page.

New method for quantifying hydraulic properties of soil

New method for quantifying hydraulic properties of soil
Using X-ray CT, 3D geometries of soil structure and pore spaces can now be used as parameters in numerical simulations that calculate their hydraulic properties. The method has been successfully applied to investigate soils of different textures, structures and soils that have been influenced by plant roots under successive drying. The findings have been published in Water Resources Research and the Journal of Experimental Botany. This work is a funded BBRSC project in collaboration with the University of Southampton that is seeking to predict water uptake in wheat.
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Nikon prize winner

MicroCT visualisations of maize (left) and wheat (right) roots growing in soil which won a prize in a Nikon image competition at the Tomography for Scientific Advancement (ToScA) symposium which took place at the Natural History Museum 1-3 September 2014. The image was produced by Stefan Mairhofer and Craig Sturrock using data collected by PhD student Jim Johnson.



Hounsfield Facility

The University of Nottingham
Sutton Bonington
Loughborough, LE12 5RD

telephone: +44 (0) 1159 516786
email: craig.sturrock@nottingham.ac.uk