Press releases

Herd immunity threshold could be lower according to new study

Herd immunity to Covid-19 could be achieved with less people being infected than previously estimated according to new research.

Research sheds new light on intelligent life existing across the Galaxy

Is there anyone out there? This is an age-old question that researchers have now shed new light on with a study that calculates there could be more than 30 intelligent civilizations throughout our Galaxy. This is an enormous advance over previous estimates which spanned from zero to billions.

From waste to sweet treats – students have winning recipe at national competition

Food science students from the University of Nottingham have scooped prizes in a national competition for food innovation, with sweet desserts made from bread waste and coconut waffle snacks.

Food Innovation Centre experts support cool idea from Pola ice poles entrepreneur

Food scientists are working with an innovative producer of frozen lollies to develop ambient versions of his icy treats so that he can launch a mail order arm of the business.

Nottingham experts join drive to develop Trustworthy Autonomous Systems

A multidisciplinary team of researchers from the University of Nottingham will be part of a Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Hub that will spearhead work to ensure that autonomous systems such as driverless cars and robots are trustworthy by default and can ultimately benefit society and industry.

Scientists develop unique polymer coating to tackle harmful fungi

Scientists from the University of Nottingham have developed a new way to control harmful fungi, without the need to use chemical bioactives like fungicides or antifungals.
Scientists develop unique polymer coating to tackle harmful fungi

Wearable brain scanner technology expanded for whole head imaging

A new type of wearable brain scanner is revealing new possibilities for understanding and diagnosing mental illness after the technology has been expanded to scan the whole brain with millimeter accuracy.

Stimulating research gives new treatment hope for Tourette Syndrome

New research has found that delivering electrical pulses to the wrist can significantly reduce the amount and severity of tics experienced by individuals with Tourette Syndrome (TS), giving new hope for an effective treatment.

MRI pregnancy study gives new insights into the all-important placenta

MRI research has revealed detailed new insights into how the placenta works in pregnancy and discovered a completely new phenomenon where the placenta contracts every now and then, a pheonomenon the research team have named the ‘uteroplacental pump’.

Genetic discovery sheds light on sodium tolerance in barley crops

Scientists have identified a natural variation in a gene that influences sodium content in barley crops, a finding which may help advance the development of barley varieties with improved yield and resilience.
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