The curriculum.

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"…some of them want to do culturally based studies, they want to look at a concept within their culture to see whether they find similar relationships, similar differences"

Iain Coyne
Student projects in an international context.

Short paper

Intercultural communication and cultural sensitivity: Intercultural communication is an emerging field, rooted in anthropology, linguistics, sociology and psychology. According to Duryea (1992:1) cultural difference is more than race and ethnicity and may also relate to things such as gender, age, income, nationality, sexual orientation and disability. Intercultural communication is clearly not only about communication with international students.
(Intercultural communication and cultural sensitivity)

More scholarly interpretations of the theoretical basis:

... all Internationalisation short papers

Curriculum themes

"… the culture that a psychologist was working in will be reflected in his school of thought…."


"The focus is around cross-cultural, intercultural communication but it's also about respect, personal interactions, tolerance…."


"The decision was to teach UK spec but also to look at the principles… a much broader framework."

Nicola Pitchford
School of Psychology
Providing a cultural context to the discipline

David Clarke
School of Psychology
Graduate qualities: transferable skills and intercultural competence

Mike Clifford
Faculty of Engineering
National subject specifications and the international context

Most viewed

Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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