National subject specifications and the international context.

In conversation with: Stephanie Bridges, Mike Clifford, Rebecca Moor, Dariusz Wanatowski. Produced: September 2009; Duration: 3 minutes : 33 seconds.

Video no longer available

Short paper

Intercultural communication and cultural sensitivity: Intercultural communication is an emerging field, rooted in anthropology, linguistics, sociology and psychology. According to Duryea (1992:1) cultural difference is more than race and ethnicity and may also relate to things such as gender, age, income, nationality, sexual orientation and disability. Intercultural communication is clearly not only about communication with international students.
... more from Intercultural communication and cultural sensitivity.

More scholarly interpretations of the theoretical basis:

... all Internationalisation short papers

Teaching at Nottingham website resource Using authentic assessment to achieve learning outcomes. "It is well known that methods of assessment impact on student learning. The …"   (Sep 2004)

The Nottingham context

Dr Rachel Scudamore

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