Overseas campuses.

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"The international dimension and having international academics working on the same module gives you the same level of rigour as writing a textbook."

Chris Barnatt
Course planning: managing modules across campuses.

Short paper

Contextual variations in communication briefly considers "context" as one of anthropologist and cross-cultural researcher Edward Hall's (1914-2009) three dimensions influencing cultural interactions: time, context and space. Hall viewed culture as influencing every aspect of human life. According to Hall, "it is the least studied aspect of culture that influences behaviour in the deepest and most subtle ways". (1977:14). Interesting use has been made of Hall's theory in the attempt to understand Malaysian culture and some of the Confucian Heritage cultures.
(Contextual variations in communication)

More scholarly interpretations of the theoretical basis:

... all Internationalisation short papers

Overseas campuses themes

"You have to be aware that making a change to one module here might have big implications somewhere else."


"Students will have materials electronically created by the whole module team, but still have module outlines from the home campus."


"The last thing you want to do is get yourself into a group of people from your own country… you'll learn nothing."

Chris Barnatt
Course planning: managing modules across campuses

Chris Barnatt
Sharing resources on modules taken across campuses

Samer Alkassar
Student, NUBS
Integrating students from across campuses

Most viewed

Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
This page: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/pesl/internationalisation/overseas/
Printed: 10:59 pm, Wednesday 25th September 2024