Teaching strategies.

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"Interaction in the class or seminar is very important… it builds confidence when you contribute and also it binds you with the people who are participating in the seminar"

Kingsley Udeh
Student, School of Law
Inclusivity as a basis for group discussions.

Short paper

Discussion as a teaching technique discusses the possibility of making use of group talk (conversation, discussion and dialogue) as a useful teaching tool and one which may be used to develop critical thinking skills. Two adult learning specialists Brookfield and Preskill (1999)i, focus on discussion to explore the role of group talk in teaching contexts. In their view, discussion incorporates "reciprocity and movement, exchange and inquiry, cooperation and collaboration, formality and informality" (1999:5). The paper looks at how discussion can be turned into "critical" discussion.
(Discussion as a teaching technique)

More scholarly interpretations of the theoretical basis:

... all Internationalisation short papers

Teaching strategies themes

"We discover, as a group, what the function of each section of the article is, so the abstract, methods results…"


"Learning how to write is not something you can just get in a one hour session, it involves a huge amount of practice."


"I'm particularly mindful of the difficulty of getting everybody to participate in a way they're comfortable with…"

Nicola Pitchford
School of Psychology
Reading academic papers: participation in tutorials

Rebecca Moor
School of Law
Learning academic writing and skills of argument

David Clarke
School of Psychology
Valuing the student voice: the tutorless tutorial

Most viewed

Dr Rachel Scudamore

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