Students working in a second language.

In conversation with: Samer Alkassar (Nottingham University Business School), Mike Clifford, Chris Ennew, Ting Lu (School of Law), Rebecca Moor, Nicola Pitchford. Produced: September 2009; Duration: 5 minutes : 30 seconds.

Video no longer available

Short paper

Developing writing skills considers how students learn to write academically at university. Traditionally there have been three approaches in doing so (Lea and Street (1997i) in Lea and Street 1998:2ii): The writing "skills" model, the socialisation approach and the academic literacies model. In related work, Murray and Moore (2006:54-69iii) argue that disciplinarity, a central feature of academia, needs to be accessed by students who must distinguish between the different rhetorical components that separate one discipline from another, if they wish to make a meaningful contribution to any discipline. The key to doing so is to analyse the published writing associated with such areas which can reveal the unique features of a particular discipline. Clearly university academics have an important role in assisting students to access the academic literacies in which students seek to become expert.
... more from Developing writing skills.

More scholarly interpretations of the theoretical basis:

... all Internationalisation short papers

Teaching at Nottingham website resource Is language proficiency a predictor of academic success for ... "Background: Over 4,000 international students are currently registered at the …"   (Sep 2004)

The Nottingham context

Dr Rachel Scudamore

Learning from Internationalisation © Copyright The University of Nottingham
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