Public Procurement Research Group

Peter Trepte and Aris Georgopoulos invited speakers at the EMEA Conference in Bucharest

Peter Trepte and Aris Georgopoulos

Peter Trepte and Aris Georgopoulos were invited speakers at the 'Bid Exclusions Risks in Public Procurement' conference organised by EMEA Conferences on 11 April in Bucharest.

Peter Trepte's presentation focused on the grounds for bid exclusions under the new European public procurement Directives whereas Aris Georgopoulos explored the risks for bid rigging in the context of bids submitted by consortia.

Posted on Tuesday 25th April 2017

Public Procurement Research Group

School of Law
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5700