Public Procurement Research Group

Professor Sue Arrowsmith's paper for the European Parliament analysing the implications of Brexit for public procurement has now been published

Professor Sue Arrowsmith's paper for the European Parliament analysing the implications of Brexit for public procurement has now been published on the website of the Parliament.

The paper, prepared at the request of the Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection,.examines the implications of the UK's departure from the EU for the EU-UK legal relationship in the field of public procurement. It assesses, in comparison with the position under EU membership, the implications of four approaches found in the EU's relationships with other trading partners: the EEA model; the GPA model; and, between these two, what can be called an "EEA-minus" approach and a "GPA-plus" approach. It also notes the procurement-specific issues that may need to be addressed in any withdrawal agreement (or later transition arrangement).

Read the paper (PDF).

Posted on Friday 28th April 2017

Public Procurement Research Group

School of Law
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University of Nottingham
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