Architecture, Culture and Tectonics Research Group



RUI GUAN, JUN LU, ZHEN PENG, SIYU MA, WU DENG, ZHIANG ZHANG, PAOLO BECCARELLI and TONG HE, 2024. Thermal comfort of healthcare facilities in China: A review Building and Environment. 265, 111927

DIANA M. BENJUMEA MEJIA, JOHN CHILTON and PETER RUTHERFORD, 2024. Collective urban green revitalisation: Crime control an sustainable behaviours in lower-income neighbourhoods World Development. 177, 106534

JOHN CHILTON, 2024. Michael Balz: Schalen und Visionen Springer Vieweg Cham.

FELIPE LANUZA, 2024. Archive and site: The ghost of Peter Eisenman’s 1978 Cannaregio Ovest project in Venice ARENA Journal of Architectural Research. 9(1), 2

CHEN, H, HALE, J and HANKS, L, 2023. Archive or exhibition?: A comparative case study of the real and virtual Pitt Rivers Museum Digital Applications in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. 32, e00305

EKICI, DIDEM, BLESSING, PATRICIA and BAUDEZ, BASIL, eds., 2023. Textile in Architecture from the Middle Ages until the Mid-Twentieth Century Routledge. (In Press.)

ZHANG, J., LU, J., DENG, W., BECCARELLI, P. and LUN, I. Y. F., 2023. Thermal comfort investigation of rural houses in China: A review: Building and Environment Building and Environment. 235,

RAKHMAT FITRANTO ADITRA, PAOLO BECCARELLI and ROBIN WILSON, 2023. Pneufin: A switchable foil cushion inspired soft pneumatic adaptive shading Journal of Building Engineering. 77, 107521

AGUILAR-PEREZ, YARELY, RODRIGUES, LUCELIA, BECCARELLI, PAOLO and TUBELO, RENATA, 2023. Post-Occupancy Evaluation in Post-Disaster Social Housing in a Hot-Humid Climate Zone in Mexico Sustainability. 15(18),

JOHN CHILTON, 2023. Michael Balz: Shells and Visions 1. Springer Cham.

JOHN CHILTON, 2023. Heinz Isler: Natural Hills on Different Edge Lines Drawing Matter. Available at: <>

YE XU, KATHARINA BORSI and JONATHAN HALE, 2023. Working at Home - Architects during the Pandemic in China. In: PENNY SPARKE, ERSI IONNIDOU, PAT KIRKHAM, STEPHEN KNOTT and JANA SCHOLZE, eds., Interiors in the era of Covid-19 Bloomsbury Press. (In Press.)

KATHARINA BORSI, DIDEM EKICI, JONATHAN HALE and NICK HAYNES, eds., 2022. Housing and the City Routledge.

KAPSALIS, E., JAEGER, N. and HALE, J., 2022. Disabled-by-design: Effects of inaccessible urban public spaces on users of mobility assistive devices – a systematic review Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology.
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Architecture, Culture and Tectonics

The University of Nottingham
Faculty of Engineering
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 74 86257