Centre for Contemporary East Asian Cultural Studies

What are we working on


Hongwei Bao
Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

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Hongwei Bao is currently working in collaboration with Queer China UK, a London-based queer Chinese community organisation, on the Drag Up project in London in May 2023. The project aims to work with members from the UK’s queer Chinese community to explore issues of queer community art and decolonisation. Drag artists from China and the UK are invited to share their expertise and experience at the drag theatre-making workshops. The project consists of a series of community-focused drag workshops and will culminates in a public-facing drag exhibition and performance in early July. This Impact and Knowledge Exchange project is supported by the University of Nottingham’s Faculty of Arts’ Communities of Practice grant.


Ting Chang
Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

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Ting Chang is researching European playing cards, board games, optical devices and panoramas of China in the long 19th century. The project “Playing Empire in the Nineteenth Century: Games, Spectacles and Colonial Subjects” is funded by a Leverhulme Research Fellowship in 2018-19. She considers physical interaction with Western views of China in the 19th century as a way to form colonial subject positions during a century of Euro-Chinese conflict and war. She investigates the ways in which these objects used bodily interaction to produce pre-digital immersive experiences and to model power relations between Britain, France and China. This new project explores the multi-layered interactions and forms of learning they offered to audiences of different ages and classes in Europe. She will pursue her research as a Visiting. Fellow at the Yale Center for British Art and Short-Term Research Fellow at the
UCLA William Clark Memorial Library in spring 2020.


Sarah Dauncey
School of Sociology and Social Policy

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Sarah Dauncey has pioneered a new field relating to disability in modern Chinese culture. Her work has focused on the development of new ways of understanding disability in a non-Western context, a much neglected area of study. In particular, she has examined how people with various types of impairment are depicted in different types of media and how these images contribute to the formation and articulation of identities, both collective and individual. She has recently completed “Disabled but not Useless: Disability and Identity in Modern Chinese Literature and Culture,” a project funded by the British Academy, which focuses on key political personalities (Zhang Haidi), writers (Shi Tiesheng, Han Shaogong, Bi Feiyu), film directors (Xie Jin), whose lives and works have influenced the way in which disabled people are viewed and view themselves in the post-reform era. The results of this project will be published in her forthcoming monograph Disability in China: Citizenship, Identity and Culture (Cambridge University Press).


Mark Gallagher
Department of Cultural Media and Visual Studies

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Mark Gallagher’s current research project on male acting and stardom in global cinema includes attention to Hong Kong and Chinese screen actors who have maintained profiles in global film productions from the 1980s to present.


Gaik Cheng Khoo
School of Media, Languages and Cultures, Malaysia campus

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Gaik Cheng Khoo is currently focusing on Koreans who are in Malaysia for study, work, travel and retirement. The project regards Koreans living in Malaysia as reflective of a changing mindset among South Koreans towards developmentalism and the national obsession of becoming an advanced nation. This manifests in attitudes towards time, quality of life and affect.
Chun-Yi' Lees
School of Politics and International Relations

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Chun-Yi' Lees current research interest aims to investigate the influence of different foreign investors on Chinese workers and labour rights. Using interviews, participant observation and cases studies, this current research project aims to examine the emergence of civil society in this dynamic interaction among the state, foreign capital, and labour in China. In October 2011, she started to work with Prof. Andreas Bieler on an ESRC research project: 'Globalisation, national transformation and workers' rights: An analysis of Chinese labour within the global economy'. 

Bingjan Liu
Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

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Bingjian Liu is currently working on digital fabrication on the preservation of antique porcelain and its derivative product design, and a project titled ‘Suzhou’s Tiger Hill Wedding Street: Modernity, Material Culture, and Bridal Fashion.
Daniel Mutibwa
Department of Cultural, Media and Visual Studies

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Daniel Mutibwa is working with a range of hardware entrepreneurs and other stakeholders including makerspaces, co-working hubs, innovation labs and scholars in China (Shenzhen), Hong Kong and Taiwan (Taipei and Kaohsiung) to understand the breadth and value of grassroots design and digital fabrication. His focus is particularly on processes of production and organisation as well as work conditions and perceptions thereof. Daniel’s current research is funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the British Council (BC), both of whom have identified contemporary digital fabrication as being of strategic importance to the digital economy in the forthcoming years.
Lonán Ó Briain
Department of Music

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Lonán Ó Briain is currently working on RadioAsiaPacifika: Cultural Broadcasting in the Asia Pacific region (funded by AHRC). His first book, Musical Minorities: The Sounds of Hmong Ethnicity in Northern Vietnam, has been published by Oxford University Press.

Scott Pacey
School of Sociology and Social Policy

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Scott Pacey examines Buddhist-Christian Dialogue in Post-War Taiwan.
Gary Rawnsley
School of Politics and International Relations

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Gary’s Rawnsley’s research is located at the intersection of international relations and international communications. He has written extensively on “soft power”, public and cultural diplomacy, propaganda, and international broadcasting, as well as the media and democracy, and political cinema. Having authored a Green Paper for the British Council on Britain’s soft power, he is now writing a book called What is Soft Power? Other large projects include editing The Handbook of Political Propaganda (for Edward Elgar); and a special issue (edited with Michael Keane) of Global Media and China on the theme, Data on Demand: Ranking the nation, predicting the future.

Ming-yeh T Rawnsley
Centre of Taiwan Studies

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Ming-yeh T. Rawnsley is currently working on The Media and Political Communication in Taiwan (with Jonathan Sullivan and Gary Rawnsley) and Taiwan’s Lost Commercial Cinema: Recovered and Restored (with Chris Berry). 

Jeremy Taylor
Department of History

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Jeremy E. Taylor is Principal Investigator on “Cultures of Occupation in 20th century Asia”. This project is funded by the European Research Council (2 million euros) to examine the influence of foreign occupation on cultural expression in East and Southeast Asia in the modern era. He is also Principal Investigator on a British Academy (£28,000) International Partnership Project entitled ‘Cultures of the Chinese Cold War in Southeast Asia, 1949-1963’, which looks at late colonial responses to and debates about the circulation of Chinese language media in Malay(si)a and Singapore in the 1950s and early 1960s.
Andrew White
International Communications

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Andrew White is involved in an AHRC bid for funding on the development of short movies on social issues for the Chinese market. He is also part of a collaborative project on the impact of the strengthening of copyright regimes on the development of the Chinese short movie industry.

Xiaoling Zhang
International Communications, Ningo campus, China

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Xiaoling Zhang has published widely on China’s media, culture and society, more recently focusing on the creative industries’ role in the nation’s attempt to refresh its image and to build its international soft power. She researches on the evolving policies, the development of the industries as part of China’s economic development, the cultural market, and the wider social transformation as China develops towards a creative society. 


Corey Kai Nelson Schultz
Corey Kai Nelson Schultz
Media & Communication Studies, School of International Communications

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Corey Kay Nelson Schultz's areas of research are contemporary Chinese visual culture and film phenomenology. I am also currently exploring representations of Jews and Jewishness in contemporary China. I am a former Member and currently an Honorary Fellow of the Parkes Institute for the Study of Jewish / Non-Jewish Relations at the University of Southampton.







Nan Li
Co-Director of Nottingham Confucius Institute

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Archived Projects (Pre-2018)

‘New China/New Art: Contemporary Video from Shanghai and Hangzhou'

An exhibition at the Djanogly Art Centre, the University of Nottingham, 4 September – 1 November 2015
‘Art, Curating and Social Engagement in Contemporary China'
(PI Paul Gladston); also involving Tate Modern, The Guggenheim Museum NYC, Central Academy of Fine Arts, Beijing, China Academy of Fine Arts, Hangzhou, Hong Kong City University, Courtauld Institute, New York University in Shanghai, UNNC
‘Public Display and Contested Presents in the PRC after 2002’
UNNC (co-organised by Roberta Pearson (UoN) and Fintan Cullen (Dean of Arts and Humanities UNNC)); also involving Loughborough University and the University of Nanjing
‘Annual Chinese Documentary Film Festival’

The Broadway Cinema, Nottingham – 2014 and 2015

(co-organiser Dr Hongwei Bao)

‘Art, Curating and Social Engagement in Contemporary china’

A Conference at the Rockbund Art Museum (RAM), Shanghai, November 2014

(co-organised by CEACS and RAM – proceedings to be published by Routledge, 2016)

‘The 'Korean Wave' in Southeast Asia: Consumption and Cultural Production’ 

A Conference at University of Nottingham, Malaysia Campus, January 2013

(co-organised by Julian Stringer and Mary Jane Ainslie)



'Contemporary Chinese Art and Cultural Translation’
Arts and Humanities Research Council bid for research funding related to the theme ‘Cultural Translation’


‘What’s China Thinking?’

A Public Panel at the Royal Festival Hall, London, October 2012

(chaired by Paul Gladston – other panel members include Sun Shuyun, author, filmmaker and broadcaster and Wang Chunchen, curator at CAFA, Beijing)



‘Art Education at Chinese Museums’ 

A Conference at the Rockbund Art Museum, Shanghai, October 2012

(keynote speech by Paul Gladston alongside Philip Dodd (BBC and ICA) and Hou Hanru - initiating a collaborative project on arts education involving CEACS, the Rockbund Art Museum and the China Academy of Arts, Hangzhou)



Successful Application to take part in the ‘Sino-UK Higher Education Symposium on Creative Media Industry, 2012’
Organised by the British Council, Beijing


Art of Change: New Directions from China
An Exhibition at The Hayward Gallery,  the Southbank Centre, London, September-December 2012


‘Current Research into East-Asian Visual Culture’

A Conference at Tate Modern, June 2012

(co-organised by CEACS, Tate Modern, Chinese Art Centre, Manchester and York University – selected papers to be published as a special edition of Tate Papers)


Centre for Contemporary East Asian Cultural Studies

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 951 5757 or 84 66437
email:hongwei.bao@nottingham.ac.uk or ting.chang@nottingham.ac.uk