Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

CSVA at 16th International Saga Conference

Saga Conference 2015 group photo taken in Basel

Delegates of the 2015 Saga Conference in Switzerland

Current and past members of the CSVA had a stimulating, if somewhat warm, week in Switzerland from 9-15 August, conferring with colleagues from around the world at the Sixteenth International Saga Conference held in the cities of Zurich and Basel. Papers were given by current PhD student Elizaveta Matveeva and Honorary Visiting Fellow Dr John Shafer, while Professor Judith Jesch was honoured to have been invited to give one of the four plenary lectures of the conference. For more details, see the conference programme or abstracts.

We were all delighted to catch up with and hear papers by past CSVA students Dr Roderick Dale, Dr Dale Kedwards, Dr Slavica Rankovic and Dr Teva Vidal. We were also delighted to meet up with friends and colleagues from previous collaborative projects, Languages, Myths and Finds in 2013-14 and The Orkney Project in 2013.

Excursion day involved difficult choices between going hiking in the Alps or going to the medieval monastic sites of Reichenau and St Gallen. The hikers were rewarded with beautiful scenery, the more cultured group with an amazing library where we could see Bede's Death Song, the Isruna Tract, Notker the Stammerer and a manuscript of theNibelungenlied all rubbing shoulders in one display case, along with many other priceless and famous medieval manuscripts. Some delegates even got to check out a runic inscription at the museum in Zurich.

Posted on Thursday 20th August 2015

Centre for the Study of the Viking Age

Trent Building
The University of Nottingham
University Park

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email: csva@nottingham.ac.uk