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The journal 'Social Policy and Society' now hosted by the icPSP


From January 2021, the International Centre for Public and Social Policy is hosting the journal ‘Social Policy and Society’ (SPS), with Dr Ruby Chau and Dr Alessio D’Angelo as Editors.

SPS in an international academic journal sponsored by the UK Social Policy Association and publish by Cambridge University Press. The journal welcomes stimulating original articles that draw upon contemporary policy-related research and associated developments in the social sciences. Each issue contains peer reviewed articles reflecting topical debates and issues within social policy and uniquely, a themed section.

Every themed section includes an introductory piece, a set of peer reviewed articles, a selected review of the key literature, plus a guide to key sources in the area. View more information about Social Policy and Society.

Posted on Wednesday 27th January 2021

International Centre for Public and Social Policy

School of Sociology and Social Policy
Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

+44 (0)115 951 5234