Resilience Engineering Research Group


YAN, RUNDONG, DUNNETT, SARAH and ANDREWS, JOHN, 2023. A Petri net model-based resilience analysis of nuclear power plants under the threat of natural hazards Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 230, 108979

TOLO, S. and ANDREWS, J., 2023. Fault Tree Analysis Including Component Dependencies: IEEE Transactions on Reliability IEEE Transactions on Reliability. 1-9

REMENYTE-PRESCOTT, R., DO, P. and ANDREWS, J., 2023. Advanced Maintenance Modelling for Industrial Systems: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability. 237(3), 523

PRASAD, M., GOPIKA, V. and ANDREWS, J., 2023. Application of Multi Parameter Path Length Method for Resilience (MP-PLMR) to Engineering Systems: Asce-Asme Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part B-Mechanical Engineering Asce-Asme Journal of Risk and Uncertainty in Engineering Systems Part B-Mechanical Engineering. 9(2),

WU, W., CANTERO-CHINCHILLA, S., YAN, W. J., CHIACHIO RUANO, M., REMENYTE-PRESCOTT, R. and CHRONOPOULOS, D., 2023. Damage Quantification and Identification in Structural Joints through Ultrasonic Guided Wave-Based Features and an Inverse Bayesian Scheme: Sensors Sensors. 23(8),

TAN, A., REMENYTE-PRESCOTT, R., VALSTAR, M. and SHARKEY, D., 2023. A modelling approach to studying variations in newborn life support procedure: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability.

SALEH, A., PRESCOTT, D., REMENYTE, R. and CHIACHIO, M., 2023. An optimized asset management petri net model for railway sections

WOOTTON, M. J., ANDREWS, J. D., LLOYD, A. L., SMITH, R., ARUL, A. J., VINOD, G., PRASAD, M. H. and GARG, V., 2022. Risk modelling of ageing nuclear reactor systems: Annals of Nuclear Energy Annals of Nuclear Energy. 166,

CHIACHÍO, M., SALEH, A., NAYBOUR, S., CHIACHÍO, J. and ANDREWS, J., 2022. Reduction of Petri net maintenance modeling complexity via Approximate Bayesian Computation: Reliability Engineering and System Safety Reliability Engineering and System Safety. 222,

LITHERLAND, J. and ANDREWS, J., 2022. A reliability study of railway switch and crossing components: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit.

TOLO, S. and ANDREWS, J., 2022. An integrated modelling framework for complex systems safety analysis: Quality and Reliability Engineering International Quality and Reliability Engineering International.

HOOSHMAND, H., LIU, M., LEACH, R. and PIANO, S., 2022. Quantitative investigation of the validity conditions for the Beckmann-Kirchhoff scattering model: Optical Engineering Optical Engineering. 61(12),

NAYBOUR, M., REMENYTE-PRESCOTT, R. and BOYD, M., 2022. Ant colony optimisation of a community pharmacy dispensing process using Coloured Petri-Net simulation and UK pharmacy in-field data: Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part O: Journal of Risk and Reliability.

PUGLIESE, FRANCESCO, DE RISI, RAFFAELE and DI SARNO, LUIGI, 2022. Reliability assessment of existing RC bridges with spatially-variable pitting corrosion subjected to increasing traffic demand Reliability Engineering & System Safety. 218, 108137
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Resilience Engineering Research Group

The University of Nottingham
Pavement Research Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0)115 84 67366