Urban Culture Network

Postgraduate research

The Urban Culture Network provides a thriving research environment for those wishing to undertake doctoral study. Our academic team welcomes enquiries from prospective students.


Current and recent research students

Name Department Topic
Sera Baker Classics and Archaeology The Tabernae of Roman Pompeii: a case study of Region VIII
Sidika Bahar Durmaz Architecture and Built Environment Creativity and urban space: the cases of soho-London and Beyoglu-Istanbul
Richard Bates History Françoise Dolto: an intellectual biography
Darren Berriro Geography Land contamination investigation, risk assessment and remediation
Amy Calladine History Public Ritual and Festive Culture in English towns, c.1630-1670
Rick Cantryll-Stewart Classics and Archaeology Development of urban centres in prehistoric Americas
Samuel Farnham Classics and Archaeology Pollution and purity in the Argolid and the Corinthia during the early Iron Age of Greece
Alice Insley Geography Painter and Place: Exhibiting the work of Joseph Wright in Derby, 1800-1900
Alan Kissane History Sound, noise and silence in late medieval towns
Lucila Mallart History Josep Puig i Cadafalch and the Construction of Modern Catalan Identity (1880-1930)
Judith Mills History Oligarchs and the “middling sorts”: Nottingham, c.1400-1600
Rahman Momeni Geography Urban Remote Sensing
Paul Nathanail Geography Urban brownfields
Teresa Phipps History Women, gender and identity in late medieval urban society
Naho Shiba History A Comparative Study of the Design of Public Open Space in Industrialising Societies East and West: The Work of the Pioneer British and Japanese Park Designers in the 19th and Early 20th Century
Diane Wren Classics and Archaeology Normanitas: The Anglo-Norman impact on settlement and identity in south-east Wales and the Welsh Marches, 1080-1280

Urban Culture Network

B26a Sir Clive Granger Building
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

telephone: +44 (0) 115 95 15442
email: Jake.Hodder@nottingham.ac.uk