Health and Safety

Frequently asked DSE questions

If a DSE user (member of staff) is finding their chair uncomfortable, what obligations are we under?

Our obligations come from the Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations:

  • Firstly to ensure that a DSE assessment has been carried out and, from the assessment, to have an understanding of what the perceived problem with the chair may be.
  • Secondly to establish if the chair complies with the minimum requirements for a DSE chair as defined in the Schedule to the DSE Regulations, i.e. the seat should be adjustable in height and its back adjustable in both height and tilt and that the chair should be stable and allow the user easy freedom of movement and a comfortable position.  If it does not comply or any of the adjustments are not functional, an alternative compliant chair must be sourced.
  • Thirdly, to provide the user with information and training, so they are aware of ergonomic considerations in relation to the workstation setup but also the importance of adjusting the chair and of good posture.

If, after checking the chair and attempting to adjust it to suit the user, the chair remains unsuitable, consider whether there are any medical conditions that would need referral to Occupational Health and/or request a visit to the University Safety Office DSE room where a number of chairs are available for view. See below for contact details. 

Who do we contact regarding visiting the DSE room?

The DSE Room is currently based in the Physics Building, UP Campus. An appointment needs to make to visit, please contact:

Safety Office email or call ext. 13401.

What equipment is available to view in the DSE room?

A small selection of DSE chairs as well as a limited range of copy holders, mice, desks, foot and wrist rests. The equipment is not available for loan as it belongs to the suppliers.

What feedback can the school/department expect after a visit?

Both the person visiting the room and their DSE Assessor will receive information on the equipment the user has expressed an interest in purchasing, the prices and the mechanism for purchasing the equipment.

Who is responsible for purchasing DSE equipment?

The school is responsible for the cost and the logistics of purchasing the equipment.  The DSE Assessor is normally responsible for facilitating the purchase of DSE equipment but this is dependent on the local arrangements in their respective School.

What if the chair that the individual selected at the DSE room, doesn't suit them once they have had longer to try it?

It is appreciated that the opportunity to try chairs in the DSE room only allows the user a very short length of time to decide which feels most comfortable and supportive. Any item purchased from the approved supplier, can be returned within two weeks on safe or return. The user can then look for an alternative that better suits. 

What is the role of the School/Dept DSE Assessor?

Overall, it is to coordinate their School's/Department's compliance with the DSE Regulations and the University's Safe Use of DSE Code of Practice.

This involves ensuring that:

  • all users are requested to complete the on-line DSE workstation checklist form
  • all returned checklists are reviewed to see what issues require attention and progressing those actions with the user
  • information is provided and advice offered to users on workstation set-up, the training available and on the mechanism for obtaining an eye test
  • an overall record is kept of all DSE-related inputs and management are routinely informed on the level of compliance

Health and Safety Department

Pharmacy Building (Building 63)
University Park
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Telephone: Telephone: +44 (0)115 9513401
Email: h&