Health and Safety

Accidents and Incidents

University Procedure for the Reporting and Investigation of Accidents/Incidents/Ill-health/Dangerous Occurrences/Near Misses

All work or study-related incidents (accidents, ill-health and dangerous occurrences/near misses) should be reported online on the University's bespoke database. Also report incidents that relate to University activity off site, including those related to use of University equipment under our jurisdiction. 

The on line system allows all related information to be recorded, including reports and photos.

Any member of the University with network access (including remotely) may log in with their usual username and password and report an incident.

For those who do not have access to the online system, see the section on Electronic Forms below. 

The main feature of the incident form is that there are two sections, the report form and an investigation form. Both online and electronic versions of the form are designed to request similar information.


The report form collects the basic information that will be immediately available at the time of the incident and thereby enables rapid notification of the incident to be made to the relevant sections of the University. The medical treatment section has been designed to highlight the situations where prompt direct notification to the Safety Office by telephone is required, since it may be an incident for which there is a statutory requirement upon the University to notify the Health & Safety Executive. It is not important as to who completes the form, e.g. injured person, line manager, supervisor, witness or first aider.


The investigation form is designed to be completed by an individual with responsibility for the injured person, e.g. a line manager or academic supervisor, lab manager, hall manager, or School/Departmental Safety Officer. The layout of the form provides a structure for the investigation of the incident leading to the implementation of remedial action. Additional information such as files and photographs may be attached to the online form.

Where the investigation has identified a need for remedial action, the injured person and any others who may either be affected by, or need to be aware of, the action, should be informed of this.

Once an online incident is submitted by a School/Department, it becomes visible to the Safety Office, School Safety Officer and Line Manager (if entered/applicable). In addition to local investigation by the responsible persons, the Safety Office oversees all incidents to ensure they are being satisfactorily dealt with. Once all investigation is complete, the incident status is changed to Closed by the Safety Office and future viewing/amendment of the the incident is via the Archive (link on LHS of online reporting home).  

Electronic Report Forms

For those who need to provide copies of the incident report form for activities taking place away from easy computer access, e.g. fieldwork trips, sports events, please print forms as required, see the link below. Each School/Department should decide on the procedure for such forms to be entered onto the on-line system - the suggestion is that they are sent to the School/Departmental Safety Officer but the form footer may be amended to suit local administrative arrangements.

Word Document Version of Online Form (for written completion) MS Word Icon


Health and Safety Department

Pharmacy Building (Building 63)
University Park
University of Nottingham
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Telephone: Telephone: +44 (0)115 9513401
Email: h&