


...INNERVATE Leading Undergraduate Work in English Studies, Volume 5 (2012-2013), pp. 65-72 ‘Misogyny and a fascination with the feminine potential of masculine sexuality are part of the common discourse’. 1 To what extent are discourses of ‘misogyny’ normalised in Epicene and As You ...


...the four gas giants (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune) all have strong magnetic...

travel-workshop-abstract-booklet.pdf W.G.Sebald’s The Rings of Saturn I will demonstrate how moving through unfamiliar...


...jamming tests - US) SATURN Consortium researching GNSS...of Bath, NPL. SATURN SATellite-based aUtonomous


...from,Solomon and Saturn is similar in many ways...passage picks up Saturn's declaration earlier: wende

ZWO_ASI_Camera_User_Guide.pdf a good choose for dim object like Saturn and you can achieve higher fps when capturing...


...15 Mars 16 8 4 2 Jupiter 8 4 2 1 Saturn 16 8 4 2 The exposure times listed here...


...15 Mars 16 8 4 2 Jupiter 8 4 2 1 Saturn 16 8 4 2 The exposure times listed here...


...craters, or the planets, Jupiter, Saturn or Mars. The rapid variations of seeing...

ZWO_ASI_Camera_User_Guide.pdf a good choose for dim object like Saturn and you can achieve higher fps when capturing...