Vascular Research Group


Image of Sue Francis

Sue Francis

Professor of Physics, Faculty of Science


Expertise Summary

My research has centred on developing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods for biomedical applications, working for ~ 25 years in this field and studying multi-organ interactions. This has included the application and development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques in neuroscience, and the development of quantitative MRI methods and deep learning methods I apply across body organs, from muscle to abdominal organ. I have developed and implemented functional MRI techniques and arterial spin labelling (ASL) methods to measure blood flow and blood volume non-invasively in the brain. Since 2005, I have worked on applications of these techniques at ultra-high field (7T). I have a research programme in fMRI and EEG/EMG//MEG correlates, with extensive collaborations and applications in high-resolution fMRI, particularly to assess somatosensory, visual and auditory function. I led the MRC-funded research grant TOUCHMAP which used 7 and 3 T MRI to study somatosensory and motor function in healthy subjects and patients with focal hand dystonia (FHD). I have led a programme of work in renal MRI since 2009 and co-led the UK Renal Imaging Network (UKRIN).

Teaching Summary

I teach Medical Physics, including teh Functional Medical Imaging 3rd year undergraduate module.

Research Summary

My research has centred on developing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods for biomedical applications, over the last ~ 15 years in this field. This has included the application and development… read more

Current Research

My research has centred on developing Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) methods for biomedical applications, over the last ~ 15 years in this field. This has included the application and development of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) techniques in neuroscience, and the development of quantitative MRI methods. I have developed/implemented arterial spin labelling (ASL) methods to measure blood flow and blood volume non-invasively in the brain. Since 2005, I have worked on applications of these techniques at ultra-high field (7T). I have a strong interest in fMRI and EEG/MEG correlates, with extensive collaborations and applications in high resolution fMRI, particularly to assess somatosensory and visual function, and the brain-gut interactions.

I have also a strong interest in applying these techniques to the body, in particular the kidney and liver, with a programme of work in this field to assess quantitative biomarkers of disease in these organs, using the methods developed for perfusion and quantitative structural mapping. To date, I have supervised 22 PhD students since my appointment to Lecturer in 2001 with colleagues in SPMMRC, School of Community Health Sciences, School of Psychology, and the Division of Academic Radiology and Food Sciences. I have co-authored more than 100 papers, and I have secured external funding from Research councils (MRC, BBSRC) and industry (Mars plc., Unilever plc., SAB Miller plc., Baxter Pharmaceuticals, and Fresenius).

Cardiovascular Medicine

D Floor, South Block
Queen's Medical Centre
Nottingham, NG7 2UH

telephone: +44 (0) 115 823 1024