School of Education

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Christopher Day

Professor of Education, Faculty of Social Sciences



Christopher Day is Professor of Education and member of the Centre for Research on Educational Leadership and Management (CRELM).

He is also Professor of Educational Leadership, University of Sydney, Australia; Chair Professor of Education, Beijing Normal University, China.


During the last twenty years, he has led and continues to lead national, European and international research and development projects in the areas of teachers' work and lives and school and system leadership, and to collaborate in these with colleagues in Europe, North and South America, China and Australasia, including invited keynote addresses at several national and international conferences.His abiding interests remain in teacher quality, successful school leadership, improvement and change; and, within these, understanding how schools, school networks and universities may provide effective management and support for teachers' and principals' long-term professional development, wellbeing and effectiveness through research and teaching.


He is founding Editor-in-Chief of 'Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice' (TTTP); and a member of the Editorial Boards of The British Educational Research Journal (BERJ), Teaching and Teacher Education (TATE), and the Journal of Educational Administration (JEA).


His national research projects include research on variations in teachers' work, lives and effectiveness; teacher effectiveness, continuing professional learning and development; the impact of the leadership of improving and successful schools on pupil outcomes; leading schools in challenging urban contexts; and teacher and school resilience and retention. International projects include a 9 country European project on the work of principals of successful schools in challenging urban contexts; a two country project on policy enactment; and an International Baccalaureate schools' project on the leadership of the primary years programme.He is currently directing an 25 country international research network on successful school principalship (ISSPP).


His books have been published in several languages and include: Teacher Resilience during the Pandemic: Courage, Care and Resilience (2024); School-University Partnerships in Action: the promise of change (2021); Teachers Worlds and Work: Understanding Complexity, Building Quality (2017);A Decade of International Research on School Leadership (2016);Successful School Leadership: Lessons from the Field (2014); Resilient Teachers, Resilient Schools(2014); The International Handbook of Teacher and School development (2012) ; New Understandings of Teachers' Work: Emotions and Educational Change (2011);Successful School Leadership: Linking with Learning and Achievement (2011); The New Lives of Teachers (2009); Teachers Matter (2007) Open University Press; Successful Principalship: International Perspectives (2007); A Passion for Teaching (2004); International Handbook of the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers (2004);. Effective Leadership for School Improvement (2003) ; Theory and Practice in Action Research (2002) (Co-edited) Oxford, Symposium Books; Developing Teachers: The Challenges of Lifelong Learning (Falmer Press, 1999).

His is Adjunct Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong, North East Normal University, China and East China Normal University.


In recognition of his work internationally in the field of research on the continuing professional development of teachers, he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Linkoping, Sweden, in 1993; in 2010; the Michael Huberman Award for Excellence in Research on Teachers by the American Educational Research Association.In 2009, he was awarded a higher doctorate (D.Litt) by the University of Nottingham. In 2012 he was elected as a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, and in 2017 he was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the Education University of Hong Kong.


Christopher Day supervises research students working for research degrees in these areas: School Leadership and Change; Teachers' Work and Lives; Continuing Professional Development; Leadership; Teacher Thinking; Reflection; Qualitative Research; Action Research; Biography and Narrative; School Development, Change and Improvement.He would be interested in receiving applications for 2024- in those areas.

Expertise Summary

Teacher professionalism; chool leadership; schools in challenging circumstances; teachers' work and lives; teacher identities; teacher commitment; teacher resilience; school-university partnerships; leadership of school clusters; change at system and school level; policy enactment.

Teaching Summary

Teacher learning and development

School improvement

Successful school leadership

Teacher professionalism and school change

Research Summary

His current research focuses on teacher retention, successful principals, and the governance and leadership of school Trusts ( clusters); teacher professionalism, teachers' work, lives and… read more

Recent Publications

Chris is a founding member of the Centre for Research in Educational Leadership and Management. His research supervision areas include:

  • successful school leadership
  • teacher professionalism
  • schools serving high need communities
  • teachers' work, lives and effectiveness
  • school change and improvement
  • teacher identity, agency
  • trust in schools
  • teacher and school resilience and retention
  • the professional learning and development of teachers
  • mixed methods research
  • case study research
  • narrative research

Research proposals: please email Chris if you would like to discuss the appropriateness of your research topic. See also: School of Education research supervision areas.

Current Research

His current research focuses on teacher retention, successful principals, and the governance and leadership of school Trusts ( clusters); teacher professionalism, teachers' work, lives and effectiveness, teacher identity, commitment and resilience.

Past Research

His nationally funded research projects include research on variations in teachers' work, lives and effectiveness; the evaluation of school based continuing professional development; the nature and impact of the leadership of improving and successful schools on pupil outcomes; leading schools in challenging urban contexts; effective classroom teaching; and teacher and school resilience and retention. Recent internationally funded projects include a 9 country European project on the work of principals of successful schools in challenging urban contexts; a two country project on policy enactment; and an International Baccalaureate schools' project on the leadership of the primary years programme.He is currently directing an 27 country international research network on successful school principalship (ISSPP), and leading research projects on i) teacher professionalism during Covid-19; ii) leadership in multi-academy trusts in England; iii) university-schools-school partnerships for school change in China; iv) the leadership of system change in Australia; and vi) teacher retention.

Future Research

Teacher resilience,retention, well-being and effectiveness

Successful school leadership

Teacher identity

Teacher commitment

Leadership of schools in disadvantaged contexts

Leadership of Multi-Academy Trusts

Trust in schools

  • DAY, C., SMITH, H.V., GRAHAM, R. and ATHANASIADOU, D., 2024. Teacher professionalism during the pandemic: Courage, care and resilience Routledge.
  • CHRISTOPHER DAY, 2023. Teachers' willingness and ability to teach to their best and well:the person in the professional. In: TIERNEY, R.J, RIZVI, F. and ERKICAN,K., eds., International Encyclopaedia of Education Volume 5. 5. Elsevier. 180-190
  • CHRISTOPHER DAY, JINGPING SUN and CHRISTINE GRICE, 2023. Research on successful school leadership. In: TIERNEY, R. J., RIZVI, F. and ERKICAN,K., eds., International Encyclopaedia of Education 4. Elsevier. 62-72
  • SIMPSON,A, DAY,C, GOULDING, J and ASHA J, 2022. Australian teachers' perceptions of effectiveness in a performativity culture Teaching and Teacher Education.
  • DAY,CHRISTOPHER, 2022. Research on Successful School Principalship: progress on a secure front Journal of Educational Administration. 60(1), 118-123
  • CHRISTOPHER DAY, 2022. Professionalism in Practice: Contextual Differences in Understandings, Practices,and Effects. In: The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research Palgrave Macmillan.
  • DAY,C, GU,Q, TOWNSEND A and HOLDICH C, 2021. School-University Partnerships in Action: The Promise of Change Routledge.
  • DAY C., 2021. Multi-level Mixed Methods Research Designs: Challenges and Advantages Educational Research. 493(2), 140-150
  • DAY,C., 2021. The New Professionalism? How Good Teachers Continue to Teach to they Best and Well in Challenging Reform Contexts. In: KUUSISTO,E., UBANI,M., NOKELAINEN,P. and TOOM,A., eds., Good Teachers for Tomorrow's Schools: Purpose, Values and Talents in Education Brill NV.
  • DAY C, 2021. Developing, Sustaining and Retaining Teacher Quality: Factors that Count. In: XUDONG ZHU AND HUAN SONG, ed., Envisioning Teaching and Learning of Teachers for Excellence and Equity in Education Springer. 266
  • 2021. The New Professionalism? How Good Teachers Continue to Teach to Their Best and Well in Challenging Reform Contexts. In: Good Teachers for Tomorrow's Schools: Purpose,Values, and Talents in Education First. 16. Brill NV. 345
  • DAY,C., SAMMONS, P. and GORGEN K., 2020. Successful School Leadership Educational Development Trust.
  • DAY,C., 2019. Quality Retention and Resilience in the Middle and Later Years of Teaching. In: SULLIVAN,A., JOHNSON,B. and SIMONS,M., eds., Attracting and Keeping the Best Teachers: Issues and Opportunities Springer Nature.
  • YAN,Z. and DAY,C., 2019. Collaborative teacher professional development in schools in England (UK) and Shanghai (China): cultures, contexts and tensions Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 25(3), 379-397
  • DAY,C. and GRICE,C., 2019. Change Leadership: A System Level Study University of Sydney.
  • DAY,C. and GRICE,C., 2019. Investigating the Influence and Impact of 'Leading from the Middle: A School-based Strategy for Middle Leaders in Schools University of Sydney.
  • DAY,C., 2018. Professional Identity Matters: Agency, Emotion and Resilience.. In: Research on Teachers' Identity.: Mapping Challenges and Innovations Springer. 251
  • GU,Q, DAY,C and WALKER,A, 2018. How Successful Secondary School Principals Enact Policy Leadership and Policy in Schools. 17(3), 1
  • DAY,C, 2018. International Networks as Sites for Research on Successful School Leadership. In: Complementary Research Methods for Leadership and Policy Studies Palgrave Macmillan.
  • HONG,J, DAY,C and GREENE,B, 2018. The construction of early career teachers' identities: Coping or managing? Teacher Development. 22(2), 6
  • DAY, C, 2017. School Leadership as an Influence on Teacher Quality. In: ZHANG, H and ZHU, X, eds., Quality of Teacher Education and Learning: Theory and Practice Springer.
  • DAY, C, 2017. Teachers' Worlds and Work: understanding complexity, building quality
  • DAY, C and ARMSTRONG, P, 2016. School Leadership Research in England. In: H. ARLESTIG and C. DAY, eds., A Decade of Research on School Principals: Cases from 24 Countries Springer.
  • H. ARLESTIG, C. DAY and O. JOHANSSON, eds., 2016. A Decade of Research on School Principals: Case Studies from 24 Countries Springer.
  • DAY, C and HARRIS, B, 2016. Understanding and Planning Emotions Research. In: SCHUTZ, P and ZEMBYLAS, M, eds., Methodological Advances in Research on Emotion and Education Springer.
  • DAY, C, 2016. Teachers and the quality of education: why resilience counts most in testing times. In: LI, J C K and DAY, C, eds., Quality and Change in Teacher Education: Western and Chinese perspectives Springer.
  • DAY, C, 2016. Competence-based education: issues in capability, quality and teacher professional development. In: MULDER, M, ed., Competence-Based Vocational and Professional Education Springer.
  • DAY, CHRISTOPHER, GU, Q and SAMMONS, P, 2016. The impact of leadership on student outcomes: how successful school leaders use transformational and instructional strategies to make a difference Educational Administration Quarterly. 52(2), 221-258
  • CROW, G, DAY, C and MOLLER, J, 2016. Framing Research on School Principals' Identities International Journal of Leadership in Education.
  • DAY, C, 2015. School Leadership as an Influence on Teacher Quality Professional Development Today. 17(3),
  • LI, J C K and DAY, C, 2015. Quality and Change in Teacher Education: Western and Chinese perspectives Springer.
  • DAY, C and GURR, D, 2014. Leading Schools Successfully: Stories from the Field London: Routledge.
  • DAY, C, 2014. England: Identity Challenge: The Courage of Conviction. In: DAY, C and GURR, D, eds., Leading Schools Successfully: Stories from the Field London: Routledge.
  • DAY, C, 2014. Teacher Quality in the Twenty First Century: New Lives, Old Truths. In: ZHU, X and ZEICHNER, K, eds., New Frontiers in Educational Research Dordrecht: Springer.
  • DAY, C and GU, Q, 2014. Resilient Teachers, Resilient Schools London: Routledge.
  • DAY, C, 2014. Committed for Life: Variations in Teachers' Work, Lives and Effectiveness. In: L. BELL and H. STEVENSON, eds., Organising Educational Leadership and Management: Organising and managing public service series London: Sage Publications. (In Press.)
  • SAMMONS, P, DAY, C and GU, Q, 2014. Using Mixed Methods to Investigate School Improvement and the Role of Leadership: An example of a longitudinal study in England Journal of Educational Administration. 52(5), 565-589
  • CHEN, J and DAY, C, 2014. Tensions and dilemmas for Chinese teachers in responding to system wide change: New ideas, old models. In: Q. GU, ed., The Lives of Teachers in China London: Routledge. (In Press.)
  • DAY, C, 2014. Budowanie I podtrzymywanie sukcesu w przywodztwie szkolnym: perspektywy miedzynarodowe (Building and Sustaining Success in Leadership: International Perspectives). In: STEFAN M. KWIATKOWSKI and JOANNA MADALINSKA-MICHALEK, eds., Przywodztwo Edukacyjne Warsaw: Wolters Kluwer SA. 119-155
  • DAY, C, 2014. Resilience, Teachers and the Quality of Education (A resiliencia, os professors e a qualidade da Educacao). In: FLORES, M A and COUTINHO, C, eds., Formacao e Trabalho Docente (Training & Teaching Work): Diversidade e Convergencias (Diversity and convergence) De Facto Editores. 101-130
  • DAY, C, 2013. The Virtues and Challenges of Mixed Methods Research: Case study of a National Project. In: MEDINA, A and DE LA HARRAN, A, eds., Fronteras en la Investigacion de la Ensenanza Madrid.
  • DAY, C, 2013. Professores apasionados, alumnus apasionados: Las habilidades tecnicas son un indicaodor de la calidad necesario, pero insuficente. In: IBANEZ MARTIN, J. A., ed., Educacion Libertad y cuidado Madrid: Los Autores. 65-86
  • DAY, C and SAMMONS, P, 2013. Successful Leadership: A review of the international literature CfBT Education Trust.
  • DAY, C, 2013. The New Lives of Teachers. In: C. CRAIG, P. C. MEIJER and J. BROECKMANS, eds., From Teacher Thinking to Teachers and Teaching: The Evolution of a Research Community Emerald Group Publishing Ltd.
  • DAY, C., 2012. New lives of teachers Teacher Education Quarterly. 39(1), 7-26
  • DAY, C, 2012. The Importance of Being Resilient School Leadership Today. 3(3), 54-59
  • DAY, C, 2012. Teacher Resilience SecEd. 7
  • 2011. New Insights: How successful school leadership is sustained. In: How School Principals Sustain Success Over Time: International Perspectives Springer. 223-230
  • 2011. Sustaining Improvements in Student Learning and Achievement: The importance of resilience in leadership. In: How School Principals Sustain Success Over Time: International Perspectives Springer. 167-182
  • 2011. Building and Sustaining Successful Principalship in An English School. In: How School Principals Sustain Success Over Time: International Perspectives Springer. 91-108
  • 2011. Introduction to the International Sucessful School Principal Project. In: How School Principals Sustain Sucess Over Time: International Perspectives Springer. 1-14
  • 2011. Preparing School Leaders to Lead Organisational Learning and Capacity Building. In: US and Cross-national Policies, Practices and Preparation: Implications for sucessful instructional leadership, organisational learning, and culturally responsive practices Springer-Kluwer. 103-124
  • DAY, C, JACOBSON, S and JOHANSSON, O, 2011. Leading Organisational Learning and Capacity Building. In: YLIMAKI, R and JACOBSON, S, eds., US and Cross-national Policies, Practices and Preparation: Implications for successful instructional leadership, organisational learnining, and culturally responsive practices Springer-Kluwer. 29-50
  • 2011. What We Know About Who Successful Principals Are and What Successful Principals Do Which Contributes to Wellbing and Achievement: The Layering of Leadership. In: Leadership and Learning Sage. 13-26
  • DAY, C., SAMMONS, P., LEITHWOOD, K., HOPKINS, D., GU, Q., BROWN, E. and AHTARIDOU, E., 2011. School Leadership and Student Outcomes: Linking with Learning Open University Press.
  • KINGTON, A., SAMMONS, P., DAY, C. and REGAN, E., 2011. Stories and statistics: describing a mixed methods study of effective classroom practice Journal of Mixed Methods Research. 5(2), 103-125
  • 2011. Uncertain Professional Identities: Managing the emotional contexts of teaching. In: New Understandings of Teacher Effectiveness: Emotions and Educational Change Springer.
  • 2011. Professional Learning and Development. In: Encyclopaedia of the Sciences of Learning Springer.
  • 2011. International Handbook of Teacher and School Development Routledge.
  • 2011. New Understandings of Teachers' Work: Emotions and Educational Change Springer.
  • 2011. Analysis of Educational Practices: A comparison of research models 247. Editrice La Scuola.
  • 2011. The Importance of Being Resilient School Leadership Today: Incorporating Managing School Today. 3(3), 54-59
  • 2011. The New Lives of Teachers:: research which influences Orbis Scholae. 5(2), 7-30
  • DAY C, 2011. Successful School Leadership:: linking learning and achievement Open University Press.
  • 2011. School Leadership Research in England. In: Rektor-En Forkningsoversikt 2000-20010 Vetenskapsradet, Stockholm, Sweden. 308
  • DAY, C and LANEVE, C, eds., 2011. Analysis of Educational Practices: A comparison of research models Editrice La Scuola.
  • MOOS, L, JOHANSSON, O and DAY, C, eds., 2011. How School Principals Sustain Success Over Time: International Perspectives Springer.
  • DAY, C., 2011. New understandings of teacher effectiveness: Emotions and education change Springer.
  • DAY, C., 2010. IN PRESS: Partnership between schools and higher education. In: VERLOOP, N., ed., International Encyclopedia of Education 3rd ed. Elsevier. (In Press.)
  • DAY, C. and GU, Q., 2010. The new lives of teachers Routledge.
  • GU, Q., SCHWEISFURTH, M. and DAY, C., 2010. Learning and growing in a 'foreign' context: intercultural experiences of international students Compare: A Journal of Comparative and International Education. 40(1), 7-23
  • DAY, C. and SMETHEM, L., 2009. The effects of reform: have teachers really lost their sense of professionalism? Journal of Educational Change. 10(2-3), 141-157
  • DAY, C. and GU, Q., 2009. Veteran teachers: commitment, resilience and quality retention Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 15(4), 441-457
  • DAY, C., 2009. Formas de avaliação de professores na Inglaterra: profissionalismo e performatividade. In: M. A. FLORES, ed., A Avaliação de Professores numa perspectiva internacional: sentidos e implicações. Porto: Areal Editores.
  • DAY, C., 2009. Capacity building through layered leadership: Sustaining the turnaround. In: HARRIS, A., ed., Distributed leadership Open University Press.
  • DAY, C., 2009. Building and sustaining successful principalship in England: the importance of trust Journal of Educational Administration. 47(6), 719-730
  • DAY, C, SAMMONS, P, HOPKINS, D, HARRIS, A, LEITHWOOD, K, GU, Q, BROWN, E and AHTARIDOU, E. & KINGTON, A., 2009. The Impact of School Leadership on Pupil Outcomes: Research Report RR108 London: DCSF. (978-1-84775-445-5)
  • DAY, C. & LEITHWOOD, K., 2009. Successful Principal Leadership in Times of Change: An International Perspective Chinese Translation. Springer.
  • DAY, C., 2009. Successful leadership: an intelligent passion. In: BRIGHOUSE, T. DAVIES, B., ed., Passionate Leadership SAGE.
  • DAY, C. and TOWNSEND, A., 2009. Practitioner action research: building and sustaining success through networked learning communities. In: NOFFKE, S. and SOMEKH, B., eds., The Sage handbook of educational action research Sage. 178-189
  • DAY, C. & GU, Q., 2009. Teacher Emotions: Well Being and Effectiveness. In: P. SCHUTZ AND M. ZEMBYLAS, ed., Advances in Teacher Emotion Research: The Impact on Teachers' Lives Dordrecht: Springer.
  • DAY, C., 2009. A Passion for Quality: Teachers Who Make A Difference Tijdschrift voor Lerarenopleiders. 30(3),
  • DAY, C., 2009. Capacity Building Through Layered Leadership: Sustaining the Turnaround. In: A. HARRIS, ed., Distributed Leadership. 7. Dordrecht: Springer.
  • DAY, C., SAMMONS, P., HOPKINS, D., LEITHWOOD, K. and KINGTON, A., 2008. Research into the impact of school leadership on pupil outcomes: policy and research contexts School Leadership & Management. 28(1), 5-25
  • DAY, C., LEITHWOOD, K. and SAMMONS, P., 2008. What have we learned, what we need to know more about School Leadership & Management. 28(1), 83-96
  • DAY, C., 2008. Committed for life? Variations in teachers’ work, lives and effectiveness Journal of Educational Change. 9(3), 243-260
  • DAY, C. and KINGTON, A., 2008. Identity, well-being and effectiveness: the emotional contexts of teaching Pedagogy, Culture and Society. 16(1), 7-23
  • DAY, C., 2008. Leadership and Continuing Professional Development of Teachers. In: JOHN CHI-KIN LEE AND LING-PO SHIU, ed., Developing Teachers and Developing Schools in Changing Contexts The Chinese University Press.
  • PENLINGTON, C, KINGTON, A and DAY, C., 2008. Leadership in improving schools: a qualitative perspective School Leadership & Management. 28(1), 27-42
  • LEITHWOOD, K. and DAY, C., 2008. The impact of school leadership on pupil outcomes School Leadership & Management. 28(1), 1-4
  • DAY, C and JOHANSSON, O., 2008. Leadership with a difference in Schools Serving Disadvantaged Communities: Arenas for Success. In: TIRRI, K., ed., Educating Moral Sensibilities in Urban Schools SENSE. 19-34
  • DAY, C, SAMMONS, P, HOPKINS, D, HARRIS, A, LEITHWOOD, K, GU, Q, PENLINGTON, C, MEHTA, P and KINGTON, A., 2007. The Impact of School Leadership on Pupil Outcome: Interim Report No. DCSF-RR018 DCSF Publications. (978 1 84775 081 5)
  • DAY, C, SAMMONS, P.HOPKINS, D. HARRIS, A, LEITHWOOD, K, GU, Q, PENLINGTON, C, MEHTA, P and KINGTON, A., 2007. The Impact of School Leadership on Pupil Outcomes: DCSF Research Brief No. RB018, Nottingham DfES Publication. (978 1 84775 081 5)
  • GU, Q. and DAY, C., 2007. Teachers resilience: a necessary condition for effectiveness Teaching and Teacher Education. 23(8), 1302-1316
  • SAMMONS, P., DAY, C., KINGTON, A., GU, Q., STOBART, G. and SMEES, R., 2007. Exploring variations in teachers' work, lives and their effects on pupils: key findings and implications from a longitudinal mixed methods study British Educational Research Journal. 33(5), 681-701
  • SAMMONS, P., DAY, C., STOBART, G. and GU, Q., 2007. Teachers matter: connecting work, lives and effectiveness Maidenhead: Open University Press.
  • DAY, C., PACHECO, J. A, FLORES, M. A., HADFIELD, M. and MORGADO, J. C., 2007. The Changing Face of Teaching in England and Portugal: Experiences and perceptions of secondary school teachers Centro de Estudos em Educação, Universidade do Minho, Portugal.
  • DAY, C., 2007. Passion Por Ensenar: La identidad personal y professional del docente y sus valores, Madrid Narcea.
  • DAY, C. and GU, Q., 2007. Teachers Resilience: A necessary condition for effectiveness Teaching and Teacher Education. 23, 1302-1316
  • DAY, C. and TOWNSEND, A., 2007. Ethical issues for consultants in complex collaborative action research settings: tensions and dilemmas. In: CAMPBELL, A. and GROUNDWATER-SMITH, S., eds., An Ethical Approach to Practitioner Research London: Routledge. 42-61
  • DAY, C. and LEITH, R., 2007. The Continuing Professional Development of Teachers: Issues of Coherence, Cohesion and Effectiveness. In: TOWNSEND, T., ed., International Handbook of School Effectiveness and Improvement Dordrecht, Springer. 468
  • DAY, C., 2007. Sustaining the Turnaround: What Capacity Building Means in Practice International Studies in Educational Administration. 35(3), 39-48
  • DAY, C., 2007. A reforma da escola: professionalismo e identidade dos professors em transição. In: FLORES, M. A. and VIANA, I. C., eds., Profissionalismo Docente em Transição: as Identidades dos Professores em tempos de Mudança Instituto de Educação e Psicologia, Universidade de Minho.
  • DAY, C. and LEITHWOOD, K., 2007. Sustaining Successful School Leadership in Times of Change: International Perspectives Springer, Dordrecht.
  • DAY, C., 2007. Collaborative Approaches to (Continuing to) Develop Effective Teachers: An account of the Joint UCET/HMI/STEC Symposium held in Galsgow The Universities Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET).
  • DAY, C., STOBART, G., SAMMONS, P., KINGTON, A., GU, Q., SMEES, R. and MUJABA, T., 2006. Variations in Teachers' Work, Lives and Effectiveness! Final report for the VITAE Project. Department for Education and Skills, London.
  • DAY, C., STOBART, G., SAMMONS, P. and KINGTON, A., 2006. Variations in the work and lives of teachers: relative and relational effectiveness Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. 12(2), 169-192
  • MATTHEWS, P., SAMMONS, P., GU, Q., DAY, C and SMITH, P., 2006. Supporting Leadership and Securing Quality: An Evaluation of the Impact of Aspects of the London Leadership Strategy NCSL.
  • DAY, C., KINGTON, A., STOBART, G. and SAMMONS, P., 2006. The personal and professional selves of teachers: stable and unstable identities British Educational Research Journal. 32(4), 601-616
  • DAY, C., SAMMONS, P., KINGTON, A., GU, Q. and STOBART, G., 2006. Methodological synergy in a national project: the VITAE story Evaluation and Research in Education. 19(2), 102-125
  • FLORES, M. A. and DAY, C., 2006. Contexts which shape and reshape new teachers' identities: A multi-perspective study Teaching and Teacher Education. VOL 22(NUMBER 2), 219-232
  • LEITHWOOD, K., DAY, C., SAMMONS, P.' HARRIS, A. and HOPKINS, D, 2006. Seven strong claims about successful school leadership, DfES London and NCSL, Nottingham (In Press.)
  • LEITHWOOD, K., DAY, C, SAMMONS, P, HARRIS, A, HOPKINS, D and , 2006. Successful School Leadership: What it is and how it influences pupil learning, Research Report 800, DfES London and NCSL, Nottingham (978 1 84478 822 4)
  • DAY, C. and HADFIELD, M.P., 2005. Harnessing Action Research: The Power of Network Learning. In: Network Learning For Educational Change Open University Press, Buckingham.
  • THOMSON, P.L., BROWN, L., DAY, C. and TOWNSEND, A., 2005. Developing A Networked Learning Community with ICT - Learning the Hard Way
  • DAY, C., ELLIOT, B. and KINGTON, A., 2005. Reform, standards and teacher identity: Challenges of sustaining commitment Teaching and Teacher Education. 21(5), 563-577
  • DAY, C., 2005. Sustaining success in challenging contexts: leadership in English schools Journal of Educational Administration. VOL 43(NUMBER 6), 573-583
  • DAY, C., 2005. Principals who sustain success: making a difference in schools in challenging circumstances International Journal of Leadership in Education. 8(4), 273-290
  • DAY, C., 2005. The UK Policy for School Leadership: Uneasy transitions International Handbook of Educational Policy. In: International Handbook of Educational Policy Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
  • DAY, C., 2005. Formar Docentes,Cómo, cuándo y en qué condiciones aprende el profesorado: Spanish translation of Developing Teachers: The Challenges of Lifelong Learning, London: Falmer Press Narcea S.A., Madrid.
  • DAY, C., 2005. The Challenge to be the Best: Research and the Teacher. In: Connecting Policy and Practice: Challenges for teaching and learning in schools and universities Routledge, London and New York. 153-170
  • DAY, C., 2004. A passion for teaching London: RoutledgeFalmer.
  • DAY, C., ed., 2004. International Handbook on the Continuing Development of Teachers Open University Press, Buckingham.
  • DAY, C., ed., 2004. Polish Translation of Developing Teachers: The Challenges of Lifelong Learning
  • DAY, C., 2004. Change Agendas: The roles of teacher educators Teaching Education. VOL 15(PART 2), 145-158
  • DAY, C., 2004. Professionalism, Perfomativity and Empowerment: Discourses in the Politics, Policies and Purposes of Continuing Practice Development. In: International Handbook on the Continuing Professional Development of Teachers Open University Press, Buckingham.
  • DAY, C. and HADFIELD, M., 2004. Learning through Networks: trust, partnerships and the power of action research Educational Action Research. VOL 12(NUMB 4), 575-586
  • DAY, C., 2004. The passion of successful leadership School Leadership and Management. VOL 24(NUMB 4), 425-438
  • DAY, C., ed., 2004. Spanish Translation of Developing Teachers: The Challenges of Lifelong Learning
  • ANDREWS, J., DAY, C., GILLAM, K. and HARRINGTON, P., 2004. Changing teaching and learning through collaborative action research Professional Development Today. VOL 8(ISSU 1), 33-39
  • DAY, C., 2004. Spanish Translation of Leading Schools in Times of Change
  • K. ZHANG, 2003. On the equal hull problem for nontrivial semiconvex hulls J. Convex Anal.. 10(2), 409-417
  • J. FENG, K. ZHANG, Y. LUO, 2003. A study on an optimal movement model J. Phys. A.. 36, 7469-7484
  • DAY, C., 2003. Successful Leadership in the twenty-first Century.. In: Effective Leadership for School Improvement Routledge, London and New York.
  • DAY, C., 2003. Transitions in teacher professionalism: Identity, commitment and trust. In: Conference Proceedings of Professional Development and Educatonal Change - What Does it Mean to be Professional in Education? Syddansk Universitetsforlag , Odense, Denmark. 45-46
  • DAY, C., 2003. The Changing Learning Needs of Heads: Building and Sustaining Effectiveness.. In: Effective Leadership for School Improvement Routledge, London and New York.
  • DAY, C., 2003. The UK Policy Environment for School Leadership: Uneasy Transitions Leadership & Policy in Schools. 2(1), 5-25
  • DAY, C. and HARRIS, A., 2003. From Singular to Plural: Challenging the Orthodoxy of School Leadership. In: Rethinking Educational Leadership: Challenging the Conventions Sage Publications Ltd, London, UK.
  • HARRIS, A., HOPKINS, D., DAY, C., HADFIELD, M., HARGREAVES, A. and CHAPMAN, C.J., 2003. Effective Leadership for School Improvement. Routledge, London and New York.
  • DAY, C., 2003. Teachers' Thinking - Intentions and Practice: An Action Research Perspective. In: Teacher Thinking Twenty Years On: Revisiting Persisiting Problems and Advances in Education Swets & Zeitlinger, Lisse, NL.
  • HARRIS, A., DAY, C. and HADFIELD, M., 2003. Teachers' Perspectives on Effective School Leadership Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. VOL 9(PART 1), 67-78
  • DAY, C., 2003. What Sucessful Leadership in Schools Looks Like: Implications for Policy and Practice. In: Handbook of Educational Leadership and Management Pearson/Longman, London. 187-204
  • DAY, C., PACHECO, J., FLORES, M. A., HADFIELD, M. and MORGADO, J. C., 2003. The Changing Face of Teaching in England and Portugal: a study of work experiences of secondary school teachers European Journal of Teacher Education. VOL 26(PART 2), 239-252
  • K. ZHANG, 2003. Seperation of gradient Young measures and the BMO In: International Conference on Harmonic Analysis and Related Topics. 41. 161-169
  • DAY, C., 2002. School reform and transitions in teacher professionalism and identity International Journal of Educational Research. 37(8), 677-692
  • HARRIS, A., DAY, C., HOPKINS, D., HARGREAVES, A., HADFIELD, M. and CHAPMAN, C., 2002. Effective leadership for school improvement London: Routledge Falmer.
  • DAY, C., HADFIELD, M. and KELLOW, M., 2002. Schools as learning communities: building capacity through network learning EDUCATION 3 TO 13. VOL 30(PART 3), 19-22
  • DAY, C., 2002. Teacher Leadership, Reflective Practice and School Improvement.. In: The Second International Handbook of Educational Leadership and Administration.
  • DAY, C., 2002. Individual Need and Organisational Developement.. In: Professional Developement and Insitutional Needs.
  • SUGRUE, C. and DAY, C., eds., 2002. Developing Teachers and Teaching Practice: Internationl research perspectives Routledge Falmer, London, New York.
  • DAY, C., PARSONS, C., WELSH, P. and HARRIS, A., 2002. Improving leadership: room for improvement Improving Schools. VOL 5(NUMB 1), 36-51
  • DAY, C., PARSONS, C., WELSH, P. and HARRIS, A., eds., 2002. Improving leadership: room for improvment. Improving Schools Trentham Books Ltd, Stoke-on-Trent, UK.
  • DAY, C., 2002. The Challenge to be the Best: reckless curiosity and mischievous motivation Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. VOL 8(PART 3/4), 421-434
  • DAY, C., 2002. Desenvolvimento Profissional de Professores, Os desafios da Aprendizagem permanente Porto Editoria, Porto.
  • DAY, C., 2002. Revisiting the Purposes of Continuing Professional Development.. In: Professional Development & Institutional Needs (Monitoring Change in Education) Ashgate Publishing Group, Aldershot & London. 51-77
  • DAY, C., ELLIOT, J., SOMEKH, B. and WINTER, R., eds., 2002. Theory and Practice in Acton Research: some international perpespectives
  • DAY, C., HARRIS, A. and HADFIELD, M.P., 2001. Leading Schools in Times of Change
  • DAY, C., HARRIS, A. and HADFIELD, M., 2001. Grounding Knowledge of Schools in Stakeholder Realities School Leadership and Management. VOL 21(NUMB 1), 19-42
  • DAY, C., 2001. Innovative Teachers: Promoting Lifelong Learning for All. In: International Handbook of Lifelong Learning Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Boston. 473-499
  • DAY, C. and LEITCH, R., 2001. Teachers` and teacher educators` lives: the role of emotion Teaching and Teacher Education. VOL 17(NUMBER 4), 403-415
  • DAY, C. and VAN VEEN, D., eds., 2001. Educational Research in Europe Yearbook 2001 Garant, SARL, Metz, France.
  • DAY, C., 2001. The Challenges of Lifelong Learning (Spanish translation)
  • DAY, C., HARRIS, A. and HADFIELD, M., 2001. Challenging the orthodoxy of effective school leadership International Journal of Leadership in Education. VOL 4(PART 1), 39-56
  • DAY, C., HARRIS, A. and PARSONS, C., 2001. Improving Leadership: Critical Reflections on the Leadership Programme for Serving Headteachers: Room for Improvement? In: British Educational Research Association Confernece.
  • K. ZHANG, 2001. A two-well structure and intrinsic mountain pass points: 10.1007/PL00009930 Calc. of Var. PDEs. 13(2), 231-264
  • DAY, C., 2001. Teacher Professionalism: Choice and Consequence in the New Orthodoxy of Professional Development and Training. In: Continuing Teacher Education and School Development
  • DAY, C., 2001. Desenvolvimento Profesional de Professores; Os desafios da aprendizagem permanente
  • DAY, C., 2000. Beyond Transformational Leadership Educational Leadership. VOL 57(PART 7), 56-59
  • DAY, C., HARRIS, A. and HADFIELD, M.P., 2000. Leading Schools in Times of Change Open University Press, Buckingham.
  • ASTON, L., MALLIK, M., DAY, C. and FRASER, D., 2000. An exploration into the role of the teacher/lecturer in practice: findings from a case study in adult nursing Nurse Education Today. VOL 20(PART 3), 178-188
  • DAY, C., 2000. Teachers in the Twenty-first Century: time to renew the vision Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice. VOL 6(PART 1), 101-115
  • LEITCH, R. and DAY, C., 2000. Action Research and Reflective Practice: towards a holistic view Educational Action Research. VOL 8(PART 1), 179-194
  • DAY, C., 2000. Stories of Change and Professional Development in England. In: The Life and Work of Teachers: International Perspectives in Changing Times Falmer Press Ltd, London. 109-129
  • DAY, C., FERNANDEZ, A. and HAUGE, T.E., eds., 2000. The Life and Work of Teachers: International Perspectives in Changing Times Falmer Press Ltd, London.
  • DAY, C., 2000. Effective Leadership and Effective Practice Reflective Practice. 1(1), 113-128
  • MALLIK, M, FRASER, D and DAY, C, 1999. Education for practice. The search for a credible model for the teacher/lecturer in practice. NT learning curve.. 3(3), 2-4
  • HADFIELD, M.P. and DAY, C., 1999. Conducting Collaborative Research. In: Politica educativa y social para jovenes en situiacion de riesgo 31-54
  • DAY, C.W., 1999. Which Way From Here? Times Educational Supplement. 15 January, 18-19
  • DAY, C., 1999. Researching Teaching Through Reflective Practice. In: Researching Teaching: Methodologeis and Practices fro Understanding Pedagogy Falmer Press Ltd, London. 215-232
  • DAY, C., 1999. Supporting Urban Education through Multi-Service Schools and Interprofessional Collaboration. In: Politica eduvativa y soical para jovenes en situacion de riesgo
  • DAY, C., 1999. Professional Development and Reflective Practice: purposes, processes and partnerships Curriculum Studies. VOL 7(PART 2), 221-234
  • DAY, C. and VAN VEEN, D., 1999. Maslow and a Place called School. In: Perceiving, Behanive, Becoming: Lessons Learned Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, Alexandria, VA, USA. 105-115
  • DAY, C., 1999. Teacher Professional Development in the Context of Curriculum Reform. In: Changing Schools/Changing Practices: Perspectives on Educational Reform and Teacher Professionalism Garant, SARL, Metz, France. 121-132
  • DAY, CHRISTOPHER, 1943-, 1999. Developing teachers : the challenges of lifelong learning / Christopher Day London : Falmer Press, 1999.
  • DAY, C., 1999. Reflection and the Principalship In: International Conference on New professionalism in Teaching: Teacher Education and Teacher Development in a Changing World.
  • LANG, M., DAY, C., BUNDER, W., HANSEN, H., KYSILKA, M., TILLEMA, H. and SMITH, K., 1999. Teacher Professional Development in the Context of Curriculum Reform. In: International Series on Educational Renewal, Changing Schools/Changing Practices: Perspectives on Educational Reform and Teacher Professionalism 121-131
  • DAY, CHRISTOPHER, FRASER, DIANE, MALLIK, MAGGIE and ENGLISH NATIONAL BOARD FOR NURSING, MIDWIFERY AND HEALTH VISITING, 1998. The role of the teacher/lecturer in practice / Christopher Day, Diane Fraser, Maggie Mallik
  • DAY, C., HALL, C. and WHITAKER, P., 1998. Developing leadership in primary schools London : Paul Chapman.
  • DAY, C. W., 1998. The Role of Higher Education in Fostering Lifelong Learning Partnerships with Teachers European Journal of Education: Research, Development and Policies. VOL 33(NUMBER 4), 419-432
  • DAY, C. and ROBERTS-HOLMES, G., 1998. The Best of Times, The Worst of Times: Stories of Change and Development in England Change: Transformations in Education. 1(1), 15-31
  • DAY, C., 1998. Re-thinking School-University Partnerships: A Swedish Case Study Teaching and Teacher Education. VOL 14(NUMBER 8), 807-820
  • K. ZHANG, 1998. On the structure of quasiconvex hulls Ann.Inst. H. Poincar'e - Analyse Non lineaire. 15(6), 663-686
  • DAY, C., HADFIELD, M.P. and WATLING, R., 1998. Relationships Between Class Size and the Quality of Teaching and Learning: A Critical Review of the Research. In: Topic: Practical Applications of Research in Education, 20.
  • DAY, CHRISTOPHER, ACP, VEEN, DOLF VAN and WALRAVEN, G., 1998. Multi-service schools : integrated services for children and youth at risk / Dolf van Veen, Christopher Day & Guido Walraven, (eds.) Leuven : Garant, 1998.
  • DAY, C., 1998. Working with the Different Selves of Teachers: beyond comfortable collaboration Educational Action Research. VOL 6(NUMBER 2), 255-274
  • DAY, C. and VAN VEEN, D., 1998. Multi-Service Schools: Integrated Services Supporting Vulnerable Children, Youth and Families. In: Multi-Service Schools: Integrated Services for Children and Youth at Risk 7-17
  • DAY, C., 1997. Youngsters at risk and Urban education: problems and the role of research. In: Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education: Research , Policy and Practice 9-17
  • DAY, C., 1997. Working with the Different Selves of Teachers: Beyond Comfortable Collaboration. In: International Action Research: A Casebook for Educational Reform Falmer Press Ltd, London. 190-203
  • DAY, C., 1997. In-service Teacher Education in Europe: conditions and themes for development in the 21st century BRITISH JOURNAL OF IN SERVICE EDUCATION. VOL 23(NUMBER 1), 39-54
  • DAY, C.W., 1997. Listen to those who are closest to classes Times Educational Supplement. April,
  • DAY, C., 1997. Being a Professional in Schools and Universities: limits, purposes and possibilities for development British Educational Research Journal. VOL 23(NUMBER 2), 193-208
  • DAY, C., VAN VEEN, D. and WONG-KOOI, S., 1997. Teachers and Teaching: International Perspectives on School Reform and Teacher Education
  • DAY, C., VAN VEEN, D. and WALRAVEN, G., 1997. Children and Youth at Risk and Urban Education: Research, Policy and Practice
  • DAY, C., 1997. Teachers in the Twenty-First Century: Time to Renew the Vision. In: Beyond Educational Reform: Bringing Teachers Back Open University Press, Buckingham. 44-61
  • DAY, C., TOLLEY, H. and HADFIELD, M.P., 1996. Class Size Research and the Quality of Education National Association of Head Teachers, Haywards Heath.
  • DAY, C. and HADFIELD, M., 1996. Effectiveness and quality in continuing professional education: an empirical investigation of policy and practice in UK universities International Journal of Lifelong Education. VOL 15(NUMBER 5), 370-381
  • DAY,C and GRICE C, Change Leadership: A System Level Case Study University of Sydney. (978-0-6484882-2-4)
  • Day, C. (2023) Professionalism in Practice: Contextual Differences in Understandings, Practices, and Effects of Teacher Autonomy. In Mentor,I (Ed) The Palgrave Handbook of Teacher Education Research. Springer

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