GANDHI, V. and SELLMAN, E., eds., 2026. Concerning Mental Health in Education: Exploring Key Debates and Critical Issues Routledge.. (In Press.)
SELLMAN, E., ed., 2025. Being a Mindful Teacher (In Press.)
ARCHER, T., SELLMAN, E. M., UNGER, J. and WILSON, R., 2025. Peace Education and Wisdom-informed traditions: What could be gained from different onto-epistemological approaches to peace about notions of the Self? In Factis Pax. (In Press.)
BAYIR, A., SELLMAN, E. M. and JOSEPH, S., 2024. The Prosocial and Pro-Environmental Aspects of Authenticity and the Mediating Role of Self-Transcendence Person-Centered & Experiential Psychotherapies. 23(4), 461-474 WILSON, R., SELLMAN, E. M. and JOSEPH, S., 2023. ‘Doing Well’ and ‘Being Well’ – Secondary School Teachers’ Perspectives British Educational Research Journal. 49(5), 987-1004 SELLMAN, E. M. and AMRHEIN, B., 2022. Attending In and Out: Synergising mindful and restorative practice. In: AMRHEIN, B. and BADSTIEBER, B., eds., (Im)possible perspectives on behaviour: theoretical, empirical and practical contributions to the de- and reconstruction of the label “behavioural disorder” BeltzJuventa.
CRAWFORD, A., JOSEPH, S. and SELLMAN, E. M., 2021. A quiet revolution? Reflecting on the potentiality and ethics of mindfulness in a junior school British Journal of Educational Studies. 69(2), 237-255 BRITO, R., JOSEPH, S. and SELLMAN, E. M., 2021. Mindfulness ‘in’ Education as a Form of Iatrogenesis Journal of Transformative Education. 19(3), 261-283 BRITO, R., JOSEPH, S. and SELLMAN, E. M., 2021. Exploring Mindfulness in/as Education from a Heideggerian Perspective Journal of Philosophy of Education. 55(2), 302-313 SAYAL, K., TAYLOR, J. A., VALENTINE, A., GUO, B., SAMPSON, C. J., SELLMAN, E., JAMES, M., HOLLIS, C. and DALEY, D., 2016. Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of a brief school-based group programme for parents of children at risk of ADHD: A cluster randomised controlled trial Child: Care, Health and Development. 42(4), 521-533 SELLMAN, E., ed., 2016. Spirituality and Educational Concern: A Special Issue of Pastoral Care in Education. NAPCE/Routledge..
TAYLOR, J., VALENTINE, A, SELLMAN, E., BRANSBY-ADAMS, K., DALEY, D. and SAYAL, K., 2015. A qualitative process evaluation of a
randomised controlled trial of a parenting
intervention in community (school) settings
for children at risk of attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) BMC Psychiatry. 15, 290-301 DEARDEN, J. and SELLMAN, E., 2015. Book review: Approaching disability- critical issues and perspectives. British Journal of Educational Studies. 63(4), 508-509. MEREDITH, M. and SELLMAN, E., 2014. Who misses out? Inclusive strategies for students with communicational difficulties. In: SELLMAN, E., CREMIN, H. and MCCLUSKEY, G., eds., Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools: Inter-disciplinary perspectives on managing relationships in the classroom Routledge.
SELLMAN, E., 2014. Creating the restorative school part 2: The impact of restorative approaches on roles, power and language. In: SELLMAN, E., CREMIN, H. and MCCLUSKEY, G., eds., Restorative Approaches to Conflict in School: Inter-disciplinary perspectives on managing relationships in the classroom
SELLMAN, E., CREMIN. H. and MCCLUSKEY, G., 2014. Contextualised, contested and catalytic: A thematic introduction to the potential of restorative approaches in schools. In: SELLMAN, E., CREMIN, H. and MCCLUSKEY, G., eds., Restorative Approaches to Conflict in Schools: Inter-disciplinary perspectives on managing relationships in the classroom
SELLMAN, E., 2012. Creative Approaches to Inclusion. In: SELLMAN, E., ed., Creative Learning for Inclusion: Creative Approaches to Meet Special Needs in the Classroom Routledge. SELLMAN, E. and CUNLIFFE, A., 2012. Working with artists to promote mental health and wellbeing in schools: an evaluation of processes and outcomes at four schools. In: STICKLEY, T., ed., Qualitative research in arts and mental health: contexts, meanings and evidence PCCS Books. 140-169
CREMIN, H., MCCLUSKEY, G. and SELLMAN, E., 2012. Restorative Approaches in Schools: Findings from an International, Cross-sector and Interdisciplinary Seminar Series In: American Educational Research Association Annual Conference 2012.
SELLMAN, E., 2012. Artists working with Looked-After Children – An Evaluation Report for The Mighty Creatives University of Nottingham.
CREMIN, H., SELLMAN, E. and MCCLUSKEY, G., 2012. Interdisciplinary perspectives on restorative justice: developing insights for education British Journal of Educational Studies. 60(4), 421-437 SAYAL, K., DALEY, D., JAMES, M., YANG, M., BATTY, M., TAYLOR, J., PASS, S., SAMPSON, C., SELLMAN, E., VALENTINE, A. and HOLLIS, C., 2012. Protocol Evaluating the effectiveness of a school-based group programme for parents of children at risk of ADHD: the 'PArents, Teachers and CHildren WORKing Together (PATCHWORK)' cluster RCT protocol. BMJ Open. 2(5), e001783 SELLMAN, E./CITY ARTS, 2012. Art Works: Using the arts to promote emotional health and wellbeing in schools City Arts.
SELLMAN, E., 2011. Mundi Global Voices Project: Creative Approaches for International Education in Special Schools – Evaluation Report University of Nottingham.
SELLMAN, E., 2011. Inclusive Museums/Galleries: What can we learn from research and what research needs to be done? (Presentation) In: Engage- East Midlands Regional Workshop.
SELLMAN, E., 2011. Book Review: Vygotsky and Special Needs Education- Rethinking Support for Children and Schools, by H. Daniels & M. Hedegaard (Eds.) European Journal of Special Needs Education. 26(3), 415-417
THOMSON, P, HALL, C and SELLMAN, E. & VINCENT, K., 2011. An Evaluation of Arts Projects Working with Young People Not in Education, Employment of Training: Project report University of Nottingham.
2011. Four Short Films About Artists Working with Vulnerable Young People on Social and Health Goals Sellman, E. & McCourt, A.. City Arts/Push Media. 01/01/1900 00:00:00
THE MIGHTY CREATIVES, 2011. If I...?: A resource to help you understand and support the achievements of Looked After Children in secondary schools The Mighty Creatives.
HARRIS, B, BIDDULPH, M and SELLMAN, E. & REEP, R., 2010. A Formative Evaluation of the Faith in Families School Social Work Service - Project report University of Nottingham.
SELLMAN, E., 2009. When Listening is Hardest School Leadership Today. 1(5), 12-15
SELLMAN, E., 2009. What can we learn from promoting voice at settings educating children with emotional and/or behavioural difficulties? In: BERA Annual Conference.
SELLMAN, E., 2008. Book review: Peer Mediation - Citizenship and Social Inclusion Revisited by H. Cremin British Educational Research Journal. 34(4), 572-574
SELLMAN, E. & FINNIGAN, R. WITH DALE, M., 2007. Evaluation of the Learning for Living Guidance Materials 2006-07: Final Report University of Nottingham.
DANIELS, H., COLE, T., SELLMAN, E., SUTTON, J., VISSER, J. and BEDWARD, J., 2003. Study of young people permanently excluded from school London: Department for Education and Skills. (1841859257)
COLE, T., SELLMAN, E., DANIELS, H. and VISSER, J., 2002. The mental health needs of children with emotional and behavioural difficulties: bright futures: working with vulnerable young people London: The Mental Health Foundation. (1903645336)
SELLMAN, E., BEDWARD, J., COLE, T. and DANIELS, H., 2002. A Sociocultural Approach to Exclusion British Educational Research Journal. VOL 28(PART 6), 889-900 SELLMAN, E., 2002. Peer Mediation, School Culture and Sustainability Pastoral Care in Education. VOL 20(PART 2), 7-11