School of Education

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Image of Yuwei Xu 徐玉炜

Yuwei Xu 徐玉炜

Associate Professor in Early Childhood Education, Faculty of Social Sciences



Dr Yuwei Xu joined the School of Education, University of Nottingham as an Assistant Professor in 2021 and was promoted to Associate Professor in 2023. He is the founder and co-convenor of the Global Childhoods Research Group (GCRG), a core member of the Committee for UNESCO Chair in International Education and Development, and was MA Education course leader until 2023/24. Previously, Yuwei has held academic positions at University College London (2019-2021) and the University of Portsmouth (2016-2019).

Dr Yuwei Xu holds the below external roles:

- Co-Editor-in-Chief, Children & Society

- Co-Editor-in-Chief, Pedagogy, Culture and Society

- Co-Editor-in-Chief, British Educational Research Journal

- Editor, Teachers and Teaching: Theory and Practice

- Editorial board member, Early Years: An International Research Journal & Journal of Childhood, Education & Society

- Council member and England representative, British Educational Research Association (BERA)

- Membership lead, Gender and Education Association

- Executive member, The Education and Development Forum (UKFIET)

Expertise Summary

Dr Yuwei Xu is a sociologist of (early) childhood, education, and gender; with a PhD awarded by the University of Glasgow, Scotland (2018), an MA in Child Studies from King's College London (KCL, 2012), and a BEd in Early Childhood Education from Shanxi University, China (2011). He has researched topics such as gender and men in early childhood education, LGBT teachers, child agency, child-centred diversity and quality education, parenting, and women in STEM. His research is cross-cultural and comparative, having conducted projects in contexts such as the UK, China, Europe, Australia, and South Africa in collaboration with international researchers.

For a general introduction to Dr Xu's main research, please listen to this public podcast (in English), read this newspaper article (in Chinese), or watch this practitioner-oriented lecture (in Chinese).

Teaching Summary

*I am on Study Leave in the Autumn Term 2024/25 (October 2024 - January 2025).

I teach and convene MA Education and MA Education (Online) modules. These include:

EDUC4308 Understanding and Planning Educational Research

EDUC4314 Global Perspectives on Early Childhood Education (Module Convenor)

EDUC4135 Global Perspectives on Early Childhood Education (Online, Module Convenor) &

EDUC4024 MA Education Dissertation

I have previously taught BA Education, both as Year 1 and Curriculum Lead and module convenor for EDUC3037 Inclusive Education. I was MA Education course leader for three years until 2023/24.

PhD Supervisions:

*For 2025/26 I am particularly recruiting a PhD student interested in a joint PhD between the University of Nottingham, UK and Adelaide University in Australia. Please get in touch if you want to develop as an international academic.

I am supervising the following PhD students:

Gender, power, and (early) childhood

Hannah Burrows, Diversifying Child Friendly Nottingham: Perspectives from Primary School-Aged Children (Co(l)laboratory PhD Studentship);

Zhuoran Chen, Children's gender subjectivities and picture books in early childhood education (Nottingham);

Di Wang, Gender & drama education in Chinese ECEC (Durham University);

Amin Zhu, Retention of international early childhood teachers in Australia (The University of Queensland);

Teachers and teaching

Wanyue Chen, Teaching and learning research in school-university partnership (Nottingham);

Shuying Li, Dialogic teaching in primary school classrooms (Nottingham);

Ning Ning, Curriculum adjustment in inclusive education in China (Nottingham);

Higher education

Jiajie Liu, Academic identity of Chinese early career academics (UCL);

Zeyi Liu, Female engineering students in Chinese universities (UCL);

Qiaohui Xue, Relationships and sexuality education in Chinese universities (Nottingham).


Dr Victoria Sullivan, Men in Australian ECEC (The University of Queensland).

Research Summary

I work/have worked on the following research projects:

1. The Hong Kong experience: memories of new immigrant families in Nottingham (as co-investigator, funded by AHRC Impact Acceleration Account, University of Nottingham, £11,927.6, 2024-2025);

2. The potential of Froebelian philosophy to support and engage low-income families in the early years (as co-investigator, funded by Froebel Trust, £43,243, 2023-2024);

3. Teacher Education for Sustainable Development and Children's Rights: UK-China Dialogues (as principal investigator, funded by ESRC Impact Acceleration Account, University of Nottingham, £11,064, 2022-2023);

4. Understanding young children's perspectives on and experiences of COVID-19 in China and the UK (as principal investigator, funded by UCL-ZJU Strategic Partner Fund, £10k, 2021-2022);

5. LGBT Educators' Practices Concerning Diversity in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC): An Exploratory Study of Australia, England, Mainland China and Hong Kong, (as principal investigator, funded by IOE International Funds, £5k, 2021-2022);

6. Cross-cultural reflexivity and gender-sensitive teacher training in early childhood education and care (ECEC): Case studies in England, Germany, and Sweden (as principal investigator, funded by British Association for International and Comparative Education, £5k, 2019-2022);

7. Young children's perspectives on their male and female teachers: 9-country case studies (as co-principal investigator, 2020-2023);

8. The life trajectories of women PhD students in STEM: A Comparative Study of China, Serbia and the UK (as principal investigator, funded by University of Portsmouth Theme Research & Innovation Fund, £10k, 2018-2020);

9. Child-centred diversity in quality early childhood education and care (as principal investigator, funded by Smart Vision, China, £11k, 2018-2020);

10. The inward and outward mobilities of Chinese academics who obtained their PhDs from outside China (as co-investigator, funded by Ministry of Education, People's Republic of China, ¥80k, 2020-2021).

Selected Publications

*For 2025/26 I am particularly recruiting a PhD student interested in a joint PhD between the University of Nottingham, UK and Adelaide University in Australia. Please get in touch if you want to develop as an international academic.

I am supervising the following PhD students:

Gender, power, and (early) childhood

Hannah Burrows, Diversifying Child Friendly Nottingham: Perspectives from Primary School-Aged Children (Co(l)laboratory PhD Studentship);

Zhuoran Chen, Children's gender subjectivities and picture books in early childhood education (Nottingham);

Di Wang, Gender & drama education in Chinese ECEC (Durham University);

Amin Zhu, Retention of international early childhood teachers in Australia (University of Queensland);

Teachers and teaching

Wanyue Chen, Teaching and learning research in school-university partnership (Nottingham);

Shuying Li, Dialogic teaching in primary school classrooms (Nottingham);

Ning Ning, Curriculum adjustment in inclusive education in China (Nottingham);

Higher education

Jiajie Liu, Academic identity of Chinese early career academics (UCL);

Zeyi Liu, Female engineering students in Chinese universities (UCL);

Qiaohui Xue, Relationships and sexuality education in Chinese universities (Nottingham).


Dr Victoria Sullivan, Men in Australian ECEC (The University of Queensland).

School of Education

University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB

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