School of Geography
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Boyd, Doreen0115 95 14182Professor of Earth ObservationEnvelope Icon
Field, Richard0115 84 66146Professor of Biodiversity ScienceEnvelope Icon
Foody, Giles0115 95 15430Professor of Geographical Information ScienceEnvelope Icon
Gosling, Simon0115 95 15437Professor of Climate Risks & Environmental ModellingEnvelope Icon
Jewitt, Sarah0115 95 15450Professor of Human Geography and DevelopmentEnvelope Icon
Jones, Matthew0115 84 68406Head of School and Professor of Quaternary ScienceEnvelope Icon
Legg, Stephen0115 84 68402Professor of Historical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Matless, David0115 95 15436Professor of Cultural GeographyEnvelope Icon
Metcalfe, Sarah0115 84 67712Professor - Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor RKEEnvelope Icon
Schrodt, Franziska0115 84 66071Professor of Earth System ScienceEnvelope Icon
Smallman-Raynor, Matthew0115 95 15427Professor of Analytical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Swann, George0115 84 66768Professor of PalaeoclimatologyEnvelope Icon
van der Heijden, Geertje0115 95 15575Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Watkins, Charles0115 95 15439Professor of Rural GeographyEnvelope Icon
Associate Professors
Alexander, Meghan0115 95 15441Associate Professor in Human GeographyEnvelope Icon
Beckingham, David0115 95 15731Associate Professor in Cultural and Historical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Clare, Nick0115 82 32535Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Coen, Stephanie0115 95 15455Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Cowan, Tom0115 84 68507Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Davies, Thom0115 84 68125Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Dugdale, Steve0115 82 32540Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
French, Shaun0115 84 66072Associate Professor in Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Greenhalgh-Cook, Andrew0115 95 13049Associate Professor of Geography (Director E&SE)Envelope Icon
Hodder, Jake0115 95 15442Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Ives, Christopher0115 82 32536Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Johnson, Matthew0115 95 15498Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Mariani, Michela0115 74 87406Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Mount, Nickn/aAcademic Director, university of Nottingham OnlineEnvelope Icon
Panizzo, Ginnie0115 84 67398Associate Professor in Environmental ChangeEnvelope Icon
Priestnall, Gary0115 95 15443Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Seymour, Susanne0115 95 15453Associate Professor in GeographyEnvelope Icon
Assistant Professors
Clark, Liamn/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hearn, Robert0115 84 67905Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Higgins, Alannan/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Keenan, Liam0115 95 14381Assistant Professor in Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Law, Antonian/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Li, Sabrina0115 95 15459Assistant Professor in Quantitative GeographyEnvelope Icon
Martin, Peter0115 84 15438Assistant Professor in Cultural and Historical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Morris, John0115 95 15447Assistant Professor in Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Newsome-Chandler, Benjamin0115 84 68412Assistant Professor in GeomorphologyEnvelope Icon
O'Donnell, Emily0115 84 66143Assistant Professor in Climate Change, Science and the EnvironmentEnvelope Icon
Owen, Sarah0115 84 66145Assistant Professor (Earth Observation & GIS)Envelope Icon
Phelan, Kierann/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Raczka, Marcon/aAssistant Professor in PalaeoecologyEnvelope Icon
Strong, Samn/aAssistant Professor in Human GeographyEnvelope Icon
Zieritz, Alexandran/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Teaching Associate
Booth, Samn/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Dishington, Racheln/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Kearsey, Joen/aTeaching Associate in Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Munro, Alastairn/aTeaching Associate in Human GeographyEnvelope Icon
Emeritus Professors
Daniels, Stephen0115 95 15434Emeritus Professor of Cultural GeographyEnvelope Icon
Haines-Young, Roy0115 95 15428Emeritus Professor of Environmental ManagementEnvelope Icon
Leyshon, Andrew0115 84 66147Emeritus Professor of Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Thorne, Colin+1-360-903-7342Emeritus Professor and Chair of Physical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Academic Staff in Malaysia
Ashfold, Matthew+6 (03) 8924 8794Associate Professor and Head of School (UNM)Envelope Icon
Bannir Selvam, Sivathass+6 (03) 8725 3614Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Billa, Lawal+6 (03) 8924 8766Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Gibbins, Chris+6 (03) 8924 8733Professor, School of Environmental and Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Kai Wei, Cedric Tann/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Nath, Tapan Kumar+6 (03) 8725 3562Professor, School of Environmental and Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Wee, Alison Kim Shann/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Wong, Ee Phin+6 (03) 8725 3746Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Academic Staff in China
Chan, Faith+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 9471Head of School and Professor of Environmental SciencesEnvelope Icon
Feng, Meili+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 8510Assistant Professor of Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Fu, Ping+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 3814Assistant Professor in Geographical Sciences UNNC and Course DirectorEnvelope Icon
Hamm, Nicholas+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 8980Associate Professor of Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
He, Gengen+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 8317Assistant Professor of Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Long, Tengwen+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 8719Assistant Professor of Environmental SciencesEnvelope Icon
Tang, Yu-Ting+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 9497Assistant Professor of Environmental SciencesEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
De la Barreda-Bautista, Betsabe0115 82 32109Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Demeter, Laszlon/aProfessor R H Osborne Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Fell, Henryn/aPostdoctoral FellowEnvelope Icon
Ford, Helenn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
Grueneisl, Katharinan/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Howland, Olivian/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Jackson, Bethanyn/aNottingham Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Lawreniuk, Sabinan/aPrinciple Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Morris, Caroln/aPrincipal Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Price, Catherinen/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Searle, Adam0115 84 66071Nottingham Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Ujhazy, Noemin/aResearch Fellow / UK Guarantee FellowEnvelope Icon
Yakar-Pritchard, Gamzen/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Administrative Staff
Black, Joanna0115 95 15454Senior Operations Manager, School of GeographyEnvelope Icon
Chatten, Cathryn0115 82 83086Senior Operations Officer (Student Engagement and Experience)Envelope Icon
Davis, Sue0115 95 15341Senior Operations OfficerEnvelope Icon
Evans, Rachel0115 95 15428Senior Operations Officer (Core Operations & RKE)Envelope Icon
Feinstein, Uta0115 95 15435RSPSoc Administrative SecretaryEnvelope Icon
Hopkins, Rachel0115 95 15435Executive Secretary (RSPSoc)Envelope Icon
Kaur, Taran/aOperations Manager (Core Operations & RKE)Envelope Icon
Milner, John0115 95 15729Team Leader (Av)Envelope Icon
Mkadmi, Hadiln/aSupport and Wellbeing OfficerEnvelope Icon
Twells, Elizabethn/aSenior Operations Officer (ESE)Envelope Icon
Vaccarini, Steve0115 74 86846Faculty Placements ManagerEnvelope Icon
Ward, Errolindan/aOperations Manager (ESE)Envelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Technical Staff
Brown, Jodien/aLaboratory TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Corr, John0115 95 15499Head TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Needham, Teresa0115 95 15457Laboratory ManagerEnvelope Icon
Watts, Elaine0115 95 15456Cartographic Specialist and Facility LeadEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact
Postgraduate Students
Aldrete Flores Daran, Luisan/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Beardsmore, James07792 591 898PhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Ben Mustapha, Ali0115 95 15428PhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Bicksler, Rebeccan/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Boon, Jamesn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Dilks, Edwardn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Draper, Even/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Duncalf-Youngson, Hamishn/aPhDEnvelope Icon
Efeovbokhan, Olumesen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Fang, Yuningn/aPhD CandidateEnvelope Icon
Fay, Gráinnen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Garratt, Grahamn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Hernandez-Aguilar, Karla G.n/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
He, Xin/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Hickson, Johnn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Jackson, Ian07940 397 208PhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Keddie, Katien/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Kemp, Hannahn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Kumar, Amitn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Liu, Jiaxiangn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Markham, Hannahn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Panter, Connorn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Pattison, Libbyn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Rodríguez, Césarn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
SINGH, Poojan/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Sun, Mingjien/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Taylor, Megan Rosemaryn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Tomude, Emmanuel Selasin/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Turner, Laura Louisen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Vernham, Grant07818 458 349PhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Viner, Charlotten/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Wills, Alastairn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
NameTelephoneJob DescriptionContact


Aldrete Flores Daran, Luisan/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Alexander, Meghan0115 95 15441Associate Professor in Human GeographyEnvelope Icon
Ashfold, Matthew+6 (03) 8924 8794Associate Professor and Head of School (UNM)Envelope Icon


Bannir Selvam, Sivathass+6 (03) 8725 3614Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Beardsmore, James07792 591 898PhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Beckingham, David0115 95 15731Associate Professor in Cultural and Historical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Ben Mustapha, Ali0115 95 15428PhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Bicksler, Rebeccan/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Billa, Lawal+6 (03) 8924 8766Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Black, Joanna0115 95 15454Senior Operations Manager, School of GeographyEnvelope Icon
Boon, Jamesn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Booth, Samn/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Boyd, Doreen0115 95 14182Professor of Earth ObservationEnvelope Icon
Brown, Jodien/aLaboratory TechnicianEnvelope Icon


Chan, Faith+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 9471Head of School and Professor of Environmental SciencesEnvelope Icon
Chatten, Cathryn0115 82 83086Senior Operations Officer (Student Engagement and Experience)Envelope Icon
Clare, Nick0115 82 32535Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Clark, Liamn/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Coen, Stephanie0115 95 15455Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Corr, John0115 95 15499Head TechnicianEnvelope Icon
Cowan, Tom0115 84 68507Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Daniels, Stephen0115 95 15434Emeritus Professor of Cultural GeographyEnvelope Icon
Davies, Thom0115 84 68125Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Davis, Sue0115 95 15341Senior Operations OfficerEnvelope Icon
De la Barreda-Bautista, Betsabe0115 82 32109Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Demeter, Laszlon/aProfessor R H Osborne Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Dilks, Edwardn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Dishington, Racheln/aTeaching AssociateEnvelope Icon
Draper, Even/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Dugdale, Steve0115 82 32540Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Duncalf-Youngson, Hamishn/aPhDEnvelope Icon


Efeovbokhan, Olumesen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Evans, Rachel0115 95 15428Senior Operations Officer (Core Operations & RKE)Envelope Icon


Fang, Yuningn/aPhD CandidateEnvelope Icon
Fay, Gráinnen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Feinstein, Uta0115 95 15435RSPSoc Administrative SecretaryEnvelope Icon
Fell, Henryn/aPostdoctoral FellowEnvelope Icon
Feng, Meili+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 8510Assistant Professor of Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Field, Richard0115 84 66146Professor of Biodiversity ScienceEnvelope Icon
Foody, Giles0115 95 15430Professor of Geographical Information ScienceEnvelope Icon
Ford, Helenn/aResearch AssociateEnvelope Icon
French, Shaun0115 84 66072Associate Professor in Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Fu, Ping+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 3814Assistant Professor in Geographical Sciences UNNC and Course DirectorEnvelope Icon


Garratt, Grahamn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Gibbins, Chris+6 (03) 8924 8733Professor, School of Environmental and Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Gosling, Simon0115 95 15437Professor of Climate Risks & Environmental ModellingEnvelope Icon
Greenhalgh-Cook, Andrew0115 95 13049Associate Professor of Geography (Director E&SE)Envelope Icon
Grueneisl, Katharinan/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon


Haines-Young, Roy0115 95 15428Emeritus Professor of Environmental ManagementEnvelope Icon
Hamm, Nicholas+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 8980Associate Professor of Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Hearn, Robert0115 84 67905Assistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
He, Gengen+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 8317Assistant Professor of Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Hernandez-Aguilar, Karla G.n/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
He, Xin/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Hickson, Johnn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Higgins, Alannan/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hodder, Jake0115 95 15442Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Hopkins, Rachel0115 95 15435Executive Secretary (RSPSoc)Envelope Icon
Howland, Olivian/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon


Ives, Christopher0115 82 32536Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Jackson, Ian07940 397 208PhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Jackson, Bethanyn/aNottingham Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Jewitt, Sarah0115 95 15450Professor of Human Geography and DevelopmentEnvelope Icon
Johnson, Matthew0115 95 15498Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Jones, Matthew0115 84 68406Head of School and Professor of Quaternary ScienceEnvelope Icon


Kai Wei, Cedric Tann/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Kaur, Taran/aOperations Manager (Core Operations & RKE)Envelope Icon
Kearsey, Joen/aTeaching Associate in Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Keddie, Katien/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Keenan, Liam0115 95 14381Assistant Professor in Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Kemp, Hannahn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Kumar, Amitn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon


Law, Antonian/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Lawreniuk, Sabinan/aPrinciple Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Legg, Stephen0115 84 68402Professor of Historical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Leyshon, Andrew0115 84 66147Emeritus Professor of Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Li, Sabrina0115 95 15459Assistant Professor in Quantitative GeographyEnvelope Icon
Liu, Jiaxiangn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Long, Tengwen+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 8719Assistant Professor of Environmental SciencesEnvelope Icon


Mariani, Michela0115 74 87406Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Markham, Hannahn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Martin, Peter0115 84 15438Assistant Professor in Cultural and Historical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Matless, David0115 95 15436Professor of Cultural GeographyEnvelope Icon
Metcalfe, Sarah0115 84 67712Professor - Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor RKEEnvelope Icon
Milner, John0115 95 15729Team Leader (Av)Envelope Icon
Mkadmi, Hadiln/aSupport and Wellbeing OfficerEnvelope Icon
Morris, Caroln/aPrincipal Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Morris, John0115 95 15447Assistant Professor in Economic GeographyEnvelope Icon
Mount, Nickn/aAcademic Director, university of Nottingham OnlineEnvelope Icon
Munro, Alastairn/aTeaching Associate in Human GeographyEnvelope Icon


Nath, Tapan Kumar+6 (03) 8725 3562Professor, School of Environmental and Geographical SciencesEnvelope Icon
Needham, Teresa0115 95 15457Laboratory ManagerEnvelope Icon
Newsome-Chandler, Benjamin0115 84 68412Assistant Professor in GeomorphologyEnvelope Icon


O'Donnell, Emily0115 84 66143Assistant Professor in Climate Change, Science and the EnvironmentEnvelope Icon
Owen, Sarah0115 84 66145Assistant Professor (Earth Observation & GIS)Envelope Icon


Panizzo, Ginnie0115 84 67398Associate Professor in Environmental ChangeEnvelope Icon
Panter, Connorn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Pattison, Libbyn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Phelan, Kierann/aAssistant ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Price, Catherinen/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon
Priestnall, Gary0115 95 15443Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Raczka, Marcon/aAssistant Professor in PalaeoecologyEnvelope Icon
Rodríguez, Césarn/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon


Schrodt, Franziska0115 84 66071Professor of Earth System ScienceEnvelope Icon
Searle, Adam0115 84 66071Nottingham Research FellowEnvelope Icon
Seymour, Susanne0115 95 15453Associate Professor in GeographyEnvelope Icon
SINGH, Poojan/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Smallman-Raynor, Matthew0115 95 15427Professor of Analytical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Strong, Samn/aAssistant Professor in Human GeographyEnvelope Icon
Sun, Mingjien/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Swann, George0115 84 66768Professor of PalaeoclimatologyEnvelope Icon


Tang, Yu-Ting+86 (0)574 8818 0000 ext. 9497Assistant Professor of Environmental SciencesEnvelope Icon
Taylor, Megan Rosemaryn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Thorne, Colin+1-360-903-7342Emeritus Professor and Chair of Physical GeographyEnvelope Icon
Tomude, Emmanuel Selasin/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Turner, Laura Louisen/aPhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Twells, Elizabethn/aSenior Operations Officer (ESE)Envelope Icon


Ujhazy, Noemin/aResearch Fellow / UK Guarantee FellowEnvelope Icon


Vaccarini, Steve0115 74 86846Faculty Placements ManagerEnvelope Icon
Vernham, Grant07818 458 349PhD StudentEnvelope Icon
Viner, Charlotten/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon


Ward, Errolindan/aOperations Manager (ESE)Envelope Icon
Watkins, Charles0115 95 15439Professor of Rural GeographyEnvelope Icon
Watts, Elaine0115 95 15456Cartographic Specialist and Facility LeadEnvelope Icon
Wee, Alison Kim Shann/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon
Wills, Alastairn/aPhD ResearcherEnvelope Icon
Wong, Ee Phin+6 (03) 8725 3746Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


Yakar-Pritchard, Gamzen/aResearch FellowEnvelope Icon


Zieritz, Alexandran/aAssociate ProfessorEnvelope Icon


van der Heijden, Geertje0115 95 15575Associate ProfessorEnvelope Icon

School of Geography

Sir Clive Granger Building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Contact us