JONATHAN SULLIVAN, TOBIAS ZUSER and WILLIAM BI, 2025. Discursive expression of football fandom in China: language, creativity and digital community Soccer & Society.
JONATHAN SULLIVAN and LEV NACHMAN, 2024. Taiwan: A contested democracy under threat Agenda.
JONATHAN SULLIVAN, 2024. Time matters in cross-Strait relations: Tsai Ing-wen and Taiwan’s future The China Quarterly.
JONATHAN SULLIVAN and WEIXIANG WANG, 2024. Becoming wanghong: How foreigners achieve internet celebrity in China East Asia.
J. SULLIVAN, T. ROSS and A. LEWIS, eds., 2024. Global China and the Global Game in Africa Peter Lang.
JONATHAN SULLIVAN, YUPEI ZHAO and WEIXIANG WANG, 2023. China’s livestreaming local officials: An experiment in popular digital communications The China Quarterly.
SULLIVAN, J, ROSS, T and WU, C, 2022. Representing the Nation: Exploring attitudes toward naturalized foreign football players in China Soccer & Society.
SULLIVAN, J and ROSS, T, 2022. Doing sports business in China: Still a slam dunk?. In: CHADWICK S ET AL, ed., The Geopolitical Economy of Sport: Pivotal moments in a new era Routledge.
SULLIVAN, J and WANG, W, 2022. China’s “wolf warrior diplomacy”: The interaction of formal diplomacy and cyber-nationalism. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs.
SULLIVAN, J, 2022. China, Hong Kong and Taiwan The Annual Register. 263,
SULLIVAN, J and DRUN, J, 2022. Taiwan in US foreign policy. In: TURNER, O. ET AL, ed., Handbook of US foreign policy in the Indo-Pacific Routledge. (In Press.)
SULLIVAN, J, ZHAO, Y, CHADWICK, S and GOW, M, 2021. Chinese fans’ engagement with football: Transnationalism, authenticity and identity Journal of Global Sport Management. SULLIVAN, J and LEE, D, 2021. Situating Tsai Ing-wen’s first term: Three decades of presidential discourse in Taiwan. In: SCUBERT, S and LEE, C, eds., Navigating Stormy Waters: Taiwan during the first Tsai Ing-wen administration 16-46
COCKAYNE, D, CHADWICK, S and SULLIVAN, J, 2021. Chinese football: From a state-led past to a digital future Journal of Global Sport Management. SULLIVAN, J, 2021. China, Hong Kong and Taiwan. In: LEWIS, D and SLATER, W, eds., The Annual Register 262.
SULLIVAN, J, JEU, S and WANG, W, 2021. Rising Cyber China Turkish Policy Quarterly.
SULLIVAN, J, 2019. The co-evolution of media and politics in Taiwan: Implications for political communications International Journal of Taiwan Studies. 2(1), 85-110
SULLIVAN, J, CHAWICK, S and GOW, M, 2019. China’s Football Dream: Sport, Citizenship, Symbolic Power and Civic Spaces. Journal of Sport & Social Issues. 43(6), 493-514
SULLIVAN, J. and KEHOE, S., 2018. “Truth, good and beauty:”: The politics of celebrity in China. The China Quarterly. 236, 241-256
SULLIVAN, J and LEE, D, 2018. Soft Power Runs Into Popular Geopolitics: Western Media Frames Democratic Taiwan International Journal of Taiwan Studies. 1(2), 273-300
SULLIVAN, J. and CHENG, J., 2018. Contextualizing Chinese migration to Africa Journal of Asian and African Studies. 53(8), 1173 –1187 SULLIVAN, J. and LEE, C. Y., eds., 2018. A New Era in Democratic Taiwan:: Trajectories and Turning Points in Politics and Cross-Strait Relations. Routledge.
SULLIVAN, J. and SMYTH, J., 2018. The KMT’s China policy: Gains and failures.. In: BECKERSHOFF, A. and SCHUBERT, G., eds., Assessing the Presidency of Ma Ying-jiu in Taiwan:: Hopeful Beginning, Hopeless End? Routledge.
SULLIVAN, J., RAWNSLEY, M., CHIEN, F. and SMYTH, J., 2018. The Media in democratic Taiwan. In: SULLIVAN, J. and LEE, C. Y., eds., A New Democratic Era in Taiwan Routledge.
CHADWICK, S and SULLIVAN, J, 2018. Football in China. In: Handbook of Football Business and Management Routledge.
RICH, T. and SULLIVAN, J., 2016. Elections and the Electoral System. In: Handbook of Modern Taiwan Politics and Society Routledge.
RAWNSLEY, M. Y. and SULLIVAN, J., 2016. Il sistema dei media a Taiwan Orizzonte Cina. 7(1),
SULLIVAN, J. and SMYTH, J, 2016. Taiwan’s 2016 presidential and legislative elections Journal of the British Association of Chinese Studies. 6, 81-112
RAWNSLEY, M. Y., SMYTH, J and SULLIVAN, J., 2016. Taiwanese media reform Journal of the British Association of Chinese Studies. 6, 66-80
SULLIVAN J, 2016. China Scholars and Twitter The China Quarterly. 229, 218-228
SULLIVAN J, 2015. Taiwanese Democracy. In: TIM WRIGHT, ed., Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies
SULLIVAN J and CHEN J, 2015. Ethnicities in Sinophone Cyberspace. Asian Ethnicity. 16(3),
SULLIVAN, J., 2014. China’s Weibo: Is faster different? New Media & Society. 16(1), 24-37 HORESH, N, KIM, H, MAUCH, P and SULLIVAN, J, 2014. Is my rival’s rival a friend? Popular
third-party perceptions of territorial disputes in East Asia. Copenhagen Journal of Asian Studies. 31(1), 1-25.
SULLIVAN, J., 2014. China Scholars and the Media. The China Quarterly. 220, 1111-1122 SULLIVAN, J., 2014. Country Focus: China. Political Insight. 5(1), 10-14.
SULLIVAN, J., 2014. Democracy in the age of negativity, abundance and hybridity. Taiwan Journal of Democracy.. 10(2), 165-82.
SULLIVAN, J., 2013. Electronic resources in the study of elite political behaviour in Taiwan. The China Quarterly. 213, 1-16
SAPIR E., SULLIVAN J and VEEN T., 2013. Scale matters: Addressing the limited robustness of findings on negative advertising. Japanese Journal of Political Science. 14(4), 521-541
SULLIVAN J, 2013. Taiwan’s 2012 presidential election. Political Studies Review. 11(1), 65-74 RENZ B and SULLIVAN J, 2013. Electronic data in Russian politics research. Europe-Asia Studies. 65(10), 1898-1911
RENZ B and SULLIVAN J, 2013. Russia’s tweeting governors: Making a connection in the provinces? East European Politics. 29(2), 135-51
FELL, D., SAPIR, E. and SULLIVAN, J., 2013. Taiwanese parties’ candidate selection in the aftermath of the change of ruling parties. Taiwan Journal of Democracy.. 9(2), 55-77
SULLIVAN, J. and SAPIR, E.V., 2012. Modeling negative campaign advertising: evidence from Taiwan Asian Journal of Communication. 22(3), 289-303 SULLIVAN J., 2012. A Tale of Two Microblogs in China. Media, Culture & Society. 34(6), 773-83 SULLIVAN J, 2012. Teaching Chinese politics: Microblogging and student engagement. Journal of Chinese Political Science. 17(4), 1-16
SULLIVAN J and SEILER-HOLMER G, 2012. Comparing newspaper coverage of China in the South Pacific. Asia-Pacific Viewpoint. 53(2), 196-204
SULLIVAN, J. and RENZ, B., 2012. Representing China in the South Pacific East Asia. 29(4), 377-390 SULLIVAN J, 2012. External engagement in Taiwan studies. Issues and Studies. 48(2), 195-215
SULLIVAN J and SAPIR E., 2012. Ma Ying-jeou’s presidential discourse. Journal of Current Chinese Affairs. 41(3), 33-68
SULLIVAN J, LI, Y. T and JAMES, P. AND DRURY, A. C., 2011. An Exchange on “Diversionary Dragons, or ‘Talking Tough in Taipei’”. Journal of East Asian Studies. 11(1), 137-52
SULLIVAN J, 2011. Trying to make a connection: Bloggers in the Legislative Yuan. American Journal of Chinese Studies. 18(2), 81-96
SULLIVAN, J. AND CHEON, S, 2011. Reconnecting representatives in two East Asian democracies. East Asia: An International Quarterly. 28(1), 21-36
SULLIVAN J, 2011. Is Taiwan Studies in decline? The China Quarterly. 207, 706-18
SULLIVAN, J., 2011. Election campaigning since the martial law era. In: BLUNDELL, D. AND BUCKLEY, M., ed., Taiwan Since Martial Law: Economics, Politics, Society Taipei: National Taiwan University Press. 348-74
SULLIVAN J. and SEILER-HOLMER G., 2011. Mapping the Taiwan studies field. Issues and Studies. 47(3), 1-28
SULLIVAN, J. and LOWE, W., 2010. Chen Shui-bian: On independence The China Quarterly. 203, 619-638 SULLIVAN, J., 2010. Legislators' blogs in Taiwan. Parliamentary Affairs. 63(3), 471-85 SULLIVAN, J., 2009. Campaign advertising in Taiwanese presidential elections. Journal of Contemporary China. 18(61), SULLIVAN, J. AND VEEN, T., 2009. The Council of Ministers: Shedding light on an opaque institution. Government and Opposition. 44(1), 113-23
SULLIVAN, J. and XIE, L., 2009. Environmental activism, social networks and the internet The China Quarterly. 198, 422-432 VEEN, T. AND SULLIVAN, J., 2009. News sources and decision-making in the EU Council: A rejoinder. Government and Opposition. 44(4), 471-75
SULLIVAN, J., 2009. Defending negativity?: Evidence from presidential campaigns in Taiwan. East Asia. 26(4), 305-20
SULLIVAN, J., 2008. Campaign advertising and democracy in Taiwan. The China Quarterly. 196, 900-11
SULLIVAN, J. AND SELCK, T., 2007. Political preferences, revealed positions and strategic votes: Explaining decision-making in the EU Council. Journal of European Public Policy. 14(7), 1150-61
JONATHAN SULLIVAN, TOBIAS ROSS and ANGELA LEWIS, eds., Global China and the Global Game in Africa: China-Africa Engagement through the Lens of Football Peter Lang. (In Press.)