School of Sociology and Social Policy

Image of Libby Steel

Libby Steel

Assistant Professor, Faculty of Social Sciences



I am an Assistant Professor in Social and Public Policy and I am currently in my third year of a Professional Doctorate in Education, where my research focuses on international students but more specifically students from East Asia.The linchpin of my research is to look at different pedagogical approaches, students academic freedom and critical thinking and the overall student experience. .

I have been teaching in further education and higher education for 21 years, I have taught an array of subjects in the Social sciences from pure Sociology, Criminology, Psychology, Forensic Science and Economics at A level and Access level. My specialist subject is Social Policy which I have been teaching for over 6 years, I have also taught Political Theory at undergraduate level. I designed a new curriculum for International Foundation in the Social sciences and Business Studies up to master's Level. . I was employed as a teaching associate in February 2018 where my first administrative role was Undergraduate Programme Convenor where several new modules were introduced.

Prior to being a teaching associate, I have also taught Social Policy and Social Justice at the University of Nottingham at undergraduate level for 4 years, I have designed, and updated lesson plans incorporating presentations with added articles to aid the students learning and facilitating discussion.

For the last few years I have been the Postgraduate Dissertation Convenor. I am currently teaching and convening on several modules at undergraduate and postgraduate level with the focus on welfare policy and I convene a module with the focus on Leadership, Strategy and Performance in the Public sector. In my teaching practice. I am responsible for the course content, assessments, marking and archiving and liaising with other lecturers. I sure the course content is regularly updated.

I am a member of the Social Policy Association where I conducted the audit for the Social Policy Report 2023:The Current and Future State of Social Policy in Higher Education Institutions in the UK.

Expertise Summary

I am an active part in the Policy Research Centre and have attended several conferences in relation to higher education policy. I also took part in the dissertation conference for our third year UG and other conferences and guest lectures at the University and in the school. I also liaise with the external examiner to improve our assessment criteria so students can fully engage and have a deeper understanding of the module content.

I was the Undergraduate Convenor from 2018-2023 I attended the UG board meetings and I would chair policy team meetings where we discussed how we can improve the UG and PGT programmes. I implement changes that can improve the student experience. I have also been involved in peer observations as a member of the teaching and learning college at the university. This also helps me to improve my delivery and my teaching practice.

Finally, I have been a judge on the The Global Undergraduate Award Programme for 7 years. This has been an opportunity to engage with other academics in my area and recognise the academic ability of students on a global context.

Teaching Summary

I am currently subject lead for social policy on the undergraduate programme where the policy team and I have developed new modules on the joint honours degree to be introduced in September 2019. I… read more

I am currently subject lead for social policy on the undergraduate programme where the policy team and I have developed new modules on the joint honours degree to be introduced in September 2019. I am responsible for chairing meeting in relation to policy at various levels. I convene 3 modules at UG level and research methods at MA level. I have undertaken dissertation supervision for Masters in Public Policy and Public Administration and Masters International Social Policy to a 'good' and satisfactory standard. I have been supervising MA students since March 2018. I have supervised around 30 students who must meet with me around 5 times before their hand in date. This is to help them structure their dissertations and give advice. I have also marked UG dissertations and I was a seminar tutor for the most recent cohort of PGT students and convened the Research Methods module. I also arrange meeting with students if they need to see me for pastoral care or academic advice.

I have carried out marking duties for PGT and UG modules and I have always met the deadlines and marked consistently. I have marked on welfare policy, policy analysis, dissertation proposals, dissertation supervisor for PGT. I have marked and given feedback on UG dissertations, contemporary developments of welfare and I introducing social policy. I have also mark monitored quite a few modules for PGT Public policy and social policy. When my marking has been MM, I have always received positive feedback on the marks and the assignment briefs. I have been course convenor for Research methods and research management, Introducing Social Policy and Contemporary Developments in Welfare. I have restructured the ISP course where I have designed lectures and added quizzes and other resources to aid students learning. My SET scores have been above average in the last few years and SEM scores are above 20% aggregate

School of Sociology and Social Policy

Law and Social Sciences building
University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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