The Last of the Tories
Offering an unrivalled insight into political events during a decade of major political, social and international affairs, from the perspective of a noted ‘Ultra-Tory’.
The diaries of the fourth duke of Newcastle-under-Lyne (1785-1851) provide an unrivalled insight into political events from the perspective of a prominent Ultra-Tory critic. At a time of Conservative revival under Sir Robert Peel, Newcastle used his position in the house of lords, his family’s historic electoral influence, and personal contacts with politicians and writers, to defend the status quo.
Newcastle’s diaries provide invaluable detail on these activities, offering important testimony on major political events during the period 1839-1850. They also demonstrate why Newcastle was described by Punch magazine in 1845 as ‘The Last of the Tories’.
Find out more at Wiley Online Library

November 2021
Wiley for the Parliamentary History Yearbook Trust
The Newcastle diaries provide an invaluable insight into the world-view of a leading aristocrat and opponent of political change during the early-19th century. This edition offers fresh insights into the politics of the period and reveals the duke’s strategies for resisting ‘the triumph of reform’.
Find out more about Richard Gaunt
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