Synthetic biology for sustainable biomanufacturing

 A four-year fully-funded CASE PhD studentship is available in Dr John Heap's group ( in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Nottingham.

The studentship is jointly funded by BBSRC and TdeltaS through a BBSRC Doctoral Training Programme CASE scheme. The studentship will be based in Dr Heap's lab in the BioDiscovery Institute (BDI), Nottingham’s flagship, 1000-person multidisciplinary research complex. This exciting new project builds on the expertise and ongoing research of the Heap lab and CASE partner. The overarching theme of the research group is to exploit natural and engineered metabolisms for biomanufacturing, often using organisms with ‘exotic’ metabolic capabilities. TdeltaS is an Oxford spinout company which researches, manufactures and markets ketone ester, a new nutraceutical product with potential applications from elite sports to neurodegenerative diseases. Synthetic biology approaches will be used to develop biocatalysts for the sustainable production of valuable products such as nutraceutical precursors of the type of interest to TdeltaS.

CASE studentships are highly sought-after positions which combine the advantages of full academic training with valuable industrial experience and input. The student will benefit from joining the BBSRC DTP community of over 220 postgraduate researchers, partaking in a broad range of training opportunities including the annual DTP conference. There will be a placement of approximately three months with the industrial partner TdeltaS, at sites in the UK and USA. Informal inquiries are welcome and should be sent to Dr Heap:

• 4-year PhD project

• Starts October 2022

• Stipend, fees and research funding provided

• Includes industrial placement at TdeltaS

Funding is available for four years from late September 2022. The award covers tuition fee (£4,567) at the home rate plus an annual stipend (£15,840) for 2022. This is set by the Research Councils. UK and international candidates are eligible to apply.

Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Doctoral Training Programme

The University of Nottingham
University Park
Nottingham, NG7 2RD

Tel: +44 (0) 115 8466946