Nottingham University Business School
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Dr Gerardus Lucas

BA (Maastricht University), MSc with distinction (Tilburg University), MSc with distinction (Tilburg University), PhD (Tilburg University), PG Certificate in Higher Education (The University of Nottingham)
Assistant Professor in Strategy and Leadership

Department: Strategy and International Business
Centre/Institute: CRIBS
Tel: +44 (0) 115 9515278
Location: C39 (North Building, Jubilee Campus)

Dr Gertjan Lucas (he/him) joined the Strategy and International Business Division at Nottingham University Business School as Assistant Professor in Strategy and Leadership in September 2018. Previously, he held the position of Vice-Chancellor's 2020 Lecturer in Business and Management at De Montfort University (Leicester, UK). Gertjan has a doctorate from Tilburg University (The Netherlands) and worked as a Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, Canada).

He studies how strategic decision makers collect, interpret and act upon performance information pertaining to their organization. This line of work on adaptive aspirations and performance feedback is rooted in Cyert and March's Behavioral Theory of the Firm and part of the larger Behavioral Strategy research field. Gertjan's work has been published in the Journal of Management, New Horizons in Managerial and Organizational Cognition, Frontiers in Psychology, the Creativity Research Journal, and others.

Gertjan has an active role in the academic community. He has co-organized The First Global Conference on Creating Value (May 2018, Leicester, UK) as well as various symposia, workshops and professional development activities.

Areas of Expertise
Behavioral Strategy


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Dr Gertjan Lucas's current teaching is on research methodology, while he also supervises MSc dissertation and PhD students. His teaching philosophy revolves around challenging students while simultaneously building their capabilities and confidence through regular provision of feedback. Gertjan aims to instill in his students what he describes as a 'researcher mindset'. Much of the work business school graduates do can be viewed as a research project, so training them to ask the right questions, design and implement the means to gather relevant information, and then engage in analysis and interpretation to arrive at useful answers is of the utmost importance. In Gertjan's view, those skills are applicable to many jobs and to many sectors and thus meet current trends in the business community. Moreover, such researcher mindset has a natural connection to an entrepreneurial mindset. Both require active curiosity, a willingness to push beyond the status quo, and a desire to experiments to determine what works and what does not.

Gerardus is module convenor of the following module(s):


Research Methods for Management Studies (BUSI4434)

Details of all modules can be found on MyNottingham

Dr Gertjan Lucas's research mainly involves the study of Organizational Performance Feedback using Behavioral Theory of the Firm as the underpinning theoretical lense. His research not only considers 'traditional' performance measures such as profitability, but also non-financial performance metrics such as sustainability reporting, or audience evaluations and professional critics in the movie industry. More generally, Gertjan's works contributes to the area of Behavioral Strategy and the understanding of Strategic Decision Making. Further topics of interest include Attention, Creativity, Group Dynamics, methodology and responsible research.
University Administrative Roles
Faculty Research Ethics Committee (FoSS), as of 07/02/2023; Management Group Member, CeDEx. Since 23/05/2019 and until 01/03/2022

School Administrative Roles
Research Ethics and Integrity Officer

School and University Committee Memberships
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Committee 2023 UCU Rep
Research & Knowledge Exchange Committee (Formerly RD) 2023 REIO Rep
Research Ethics Committee (NUBS REC) 2023 REIO and Chair (2023-


Nottingham University Business School

Jubilee Campus

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