School of Chemistry

RSC Bioorganic Chemistry Group Postgraduate Meeting

RSCPGMeetingThe School of Chemistry at the University of Nottingham hosted this meeting which gave Ph.D. students from 15 Universities and other institutions across the UK the opportunity to present their work orally or as posters to an audience of 160.

Topics covered in the 11 oral presentations and 28 posters included biosynthesis, biocatalysis, biophysics, chemical biology, mechanistic, medicinal and synthetic chemistry. The meeting was sponsored by donations from AstraZeneca Charnwood, Lilly, Pfizer, The Royal Society of Chemistry and Syngenta.

Jaskiranjit Kang working with Dr Derek Macmillan at University College London was awarded the Jonathan (Joe) Spencer Prize for the best oral presentation for her work on the 'Synthesis of peptide and protein thioesters through an intramolecular N->S acyl transfer' and Martin Fisher working with Adam Nelson, Colin Fishwick and Bruce Turnbull at the University of Leeds was awarded the David Kelly Poster Prize for his work on the 'Design and synthesis of inhibitors of FabF, a novel antibacterial target, using a combined in silico and diversity oriented synthesis approach.'

The afternoon was completed by a plenary lecture from Malcolm Stevens OBE FRS, Emeritus Professor at the University of Nottingham describing his work on the development of the anti-cancer drug Temozolomide and the principles of 'Chemical Whispering'

Posted on Wednesday 12th May 2010

School of Chemistry

University Park Nottingham, NG7 2RD

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