Personal tutors
Personal tutors act as a gateway to the university. They will support you on your:
- general academic performance
- professional development, for example volunteering and study abroad opportunities
- general emotional and welfare issues
Your personal tutor may be able to help you directly or they may refer you to the appropriate support services within the university.
Personal tutors are experienced full-time members of staff and the welfare of their students is very important to them.
You will have regular meetings with your personal tutor to look at your progress but their door is always open if you need additional support and guidance.
Feedback from our students
The department are incredibly supportive. They always make themselves available for meetings and are happy to talk through ideas and concerns.
The staff are fantastic, and because it is a smaller course, you feel like you know the staff well and that your part of the university much more than if you were in a bigger course.
The time that the teachers give back to you, their doors are always open.
Peer mentors
Peer mentors are specially trained students who will help you settle into your course and student life.
You'll be paired with a second or final year student who is studying in the same department.
Your mentor will support you with anything from how to make the most of tutorials, to recommending local takeaways! The peer mentoring scheme also helps students across all year groups get to know each other, and contributes to making the department a supportive and friendly place to study.
Feedback from students in Cultures, Languages and Area Studies
I would highly recommend being a CLAS Peer Mentor to anyone because you get to make new friends and it is satisfying to see your mentees grow and become more confident throughout the year.
- Anna Heathcote Woodbridge, BA Modern Languages (French and Spanish) student
I had volunteered to be a peer mentor previously in my second year, and that’s what motivated me to apply again. What I appreciate most is the opportunity to share my knowledge with fresher students – when you arrange a meeting, you know that your mentees have come solely for the purpose of gaining insight from you.
On the other hand, I have experienced times whereby you reach out to your mentees and you hear back from not a single one. Once again, this seems discouraging, but it teaches you resilience, as though a student might not need you immediately sometimes during the year, they can seek support, and regularly checking in reminds them that you’re available.
- Sarah Oladele,BA Jt Hons English and Hispanic Studies
If you’re a perturbed prospective student, or even a frazzled first year, I would recommend the peer mentoring scheme. The scheme is not an alternative for teaching or counselling, but it gives you unprecedented insight into aspects of your course, as well as an opportunity to meet new people. Furthermore, if you haven’t established a relationship with your personal tutor just yet, it’s much easier to talk to a student to put your mind at ease.
- Peer Mentee 2019/20